Amber Heard reported to the police on Johnny Depp

The divorce of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp will obviously look like an endless soapy "Santa Barbara". Western media, referring to the lawyer of actress Samantha Spektor, reported that Heard sent to the police of Los Angeles statement of the beatings inflicted on her husband.

In response to the hype

According to Spensor, her client was not going to blacken Depp's name, but the behavior and actions of his team forced her to give publicity a scandalous story about physical and psychological abuse.

Having filed for divorce, Hurd did not expect that she would make an avid and unprincipled girl out of her. After reading about herself a lot of "pleasant", the blonde decided to tell her truth, but she caused an avalanche of new dirty gossip.

Careful investigation

That's why Hurd wrote an official statement to the police, accusing her stellar husband of beatings. Thus, it will provide the police with a reason to conduct a thorough investigation, to find out the evidence and in detail to reconstruct the events that took place that evening, added the lawyer, who does not doubt that the rightness of the victim of violence will be proved.

"After that, Johnny will get help, which he so desperately needs"

- the lawyer of the actress clarified the prospects.

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Away from the problems

We add, while Hurd calls for justice and monetary compensation, Depp travels through Europe as part of a tour with his band The Hollywood Vampires.

After the performance in Lisbon, the musicians gave a concert in Stockholm. On the stage, the artist came out wearing black glasses and looked balanced and calm, and later was seen on the street in the company of a mysterious brunette.