Delay in development

The development of each child is different and depends on many factors. But in some cases, parents may be concerned about the lack of certain skills in the baby. Sometimes fears have no reason, and an experienced doctor can calm a worried mother. But, unfortunately, sometimes there can be a speech about the delay in development in children. This is a whole complex of violations that can manifest themselves in different spheres and require expert advice.

Delayed motor development in children

Disturbances in motor functions are found in infants in the first years of life. The pediatrician tries to identify them early on in order to eliminate the cause in time. To suspect the delay of physical development is possible in the event that the crumb does not acquire some motor skills by a certain date. For example, do not hold your head to the end of 1 month, do not crawl, do not try to walk towards the year.

The cause of violations can be:

To eliminate deviations, the doctor can apply the following measures:

In order not to miss the alarming symptoms in the early stages, the baby is regularly examined by a pediatrician, a neurologist, and also may be prescribed an ultrasound scan of the brain.

Delay in the development of speech

The child's speech is closely related to his intellectual and emotional development. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the following possible deviations:

The reason for such deviations may be:

After the examination, the doctor will give the parents the necessary recommendations. In each case, the therapy may differ. Parents should remember that the earlier a developmental delay is identified, the more effective is the correction of its consequences.