Thyme - growing from seeds

Thyme or thyme is a genus of essential oil plants, which has 214 species. Most often it is a thyme creeping (or thyme common), which is used in medicine and perfumes, as well as spices in cooking. Until recently, thyme only interested people from the consumer point of view, but now, with the advent of new very beautifully blossoming varieties, it has become popular with florists of different countries. In this article, you will learn how to grow thyme from seeds in your dacha.

Thyme Description

Thyme is a long half-shrub with a creeping stalk, with flowering branches. Leaves are small, oval in shape, located opposite. At the ends of the branches in small inflorescences are collected small flowers of pink or violet color, which emit a strong aroma. In thyme oil, there are very useful organic compounds, mineral salts and vitamin C.

Thyme - cultivation

Grow thyme by seeds or by dividing the bush.

Seeds of thyme are very small, you can buy them in the garden store or hypermarket, and also order on specialized sites. They retain their germination in only 2-3 years. Tanks for planting should be filled with a light loose soil, mixed with ash , vermiculite, peat and sand.

Seeds in March-April are closed to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkled with soil. Top with water from the atomizer and cover with glass. At a constant temperature of 20 ° C, the seeds germinate within 8-20 days. The sprouts are ventilated and, if necessary, sprayed with water from a spray gun. Growing thyme from seeds requires patience, as young plants develop rather slowly. The thyme is planted at a constant place on the plot from the end of May at a distance of 20 cm from each other and 40 cm between rows.

When growing thyme, the seeds can also be sown directly into the soil. It is done in the early spring. Planted in the soil to a depth of 5 mm, the seeds germinate in 20-25 days. The grown shoots need to be weeded out so that there is 15 cm between plants. The thyme, grown from seeds in this way, will be already in the second year.

But the division of the bush is considered to be the best way of breeding thyme. In the spring (early autumn) dig a bush with a clod of earth and carefully divide it into shoots with roots, each of which is planted on a prepared place in moist soil. With good care, the bush will catch on well and even blossom this year.

Thyme: planting and care

Since in natural conditions thyme grows mainly in the steppe zone or on dry mountain slopes, it is desirable to use sunny and protected from the wind to grow it, since in the shade the plant is strongly stretched and slowly develops. You can take any land except sour.

The preparation of soil for planting thyme in the spring consists in the removal of weeds, deep digging and harrowing in two directions. Organic fertilizers (reparted manure or humus) are introduced into the soil immediately before the beginning of the work. Before planting thyme, sand or vermiculite is added to the clay soil.

Care for thyme is to carry out the following activities:

You can collect thyme in June, when it will begin to bloom. Flowering plants are cut with a knife or scissors at a level of 5 cm from the ground. The plant is harvested for the second time in July-August. The greatest harvest of thyme can be collected for the second and third years, and in 4 years it will be necessary to plant new plants.

This simple, but very fragrant and useful plant is widely used for the treatment of respiratory and digestive organs, joint pains and other diseases, and the leaves and inflorescences of thyme are used as a seasoning.