When does the child begin to smile?

So it is inherent in nature that from the very birth the child communicates with the world by means of mere crying - whining, noah, shouting at any occasion. Very often the lack of emotional feedback brings to the tears a young, unskillful mother. But do not be in a hurry to despair, everything has its time and the ability to show joyful emotions, the child must grow up.

At what age does the child smile?

The ability to show positive emotions serves in the infant's child as a sign of his normal mental and emotional development. It is not uncommon for a child to smile in the first days after birth, smile in a dream or in short periods of wakefulness, but only this smile is not yet realized, physiological, with no sense of joy connected in any way. It is caused, most likely, by the fact that the baby is nice - warm and full. Only when the baby learns to focus his sight and recognize among the many faces the most native - mother's, only then the smile on his face will become a sign of joy.

When the child begins to smile depends only on the characteristics of his development. Usually the first conscious smile the kid gives the world at the age of 6-8 weeks. The appearance of the first smile is accompanied most often with other manifestations of the reflex of animation - the kid actively moves the handles and legs, looks at you with interest and for a long time. This indicates that the development of the child is at a normal pace, and he has already learned to distinguish people from the surrounding objects. It is noted that the more time parents spend on communicating with the baby, the more warmth and love they put into this communication, the stronger and fuller the manifestation of this reflex will be. And even children with disabilities - blind or deaf blossom in a smile in response to gentle touches and affectionate words of parents. And children are not polished, which parents do not pay attention to, essentially lag behind in their mental development.

How to teach a child to smile?

But even with the most gentle and attentive parents it happens that a child smiles a little or does not smile at all. Do not panic, because all the kids are very different, all have their time for smiles, and the temperament is different - after all, someone since the birth of the beech and silent, and someone is laughing and smiling. If your baby has not discovered the world of a smile for a month and a half by a month and a half, you have nothing else but to teach the child to smile. To do this, take the crumb on your hands, caress, affectionately and gently with him talk, and do not forget to smile at the same time. The kid will probably want to become like you, repeat your facial expressions and he will soon give you a reciprocal smile. Psychologists believe that the exchange of smiles - the foundation for all social relations, the basis of reciprocity. The mother's smile gives the baby the first confidence that the world around him is friendly and safe. The smile of the baby is produced by the hormone of happiness in the body of the mother, which gives her strength and self-confidence, allows you to forget about sleepless nights and chronic fatigue.

From the moment when the child begins to smile, he begins thus to welcome the appearance on his horizon of any human being, and especially the most dear and dear ones - mom and dad. Overflowing his little body with joy the kid is ready to bestow upon everyone. More cautious in the choice of sympathy will be he only at the age of 7 months, when he will become more apprehensive about other people's people. This will also serve as a sign that the development of the baby is on its way.

To make the child smile back, choose a time when the baby is relaxed and calm, not hungry and does not want to sleep. The best is when the kid himself is looking for parental attention. To the child does not stop smiling, do not be lazy to send him a reciprocal smile.