Lenten cabbage rolls - original recipes for a delicious dish without meat and sour cream

Lenten cabbage rolls are prepared without the participation of meat components and sour cream, however this fact is not a hindrance for getting a delicious, aromatic and nutritious dish. There are many ways to improve the taste characteristics of the food without using products of animal origin.

How to cook lean cabbage rolls?

If you do not already know how to prepare lean cabbage rolls, the selection below will help you understand the nuances of technology and realize the idea in the best possible way, having obtained the ideal result. Any of the recipes can be adapted to your preferences, but always remember the following:

  1. When preparing the dish, do not use sour cream, mayonnaise, butter or other animal fats.
  2. Preparing the leaves, cut the cabbage at the stump, lower it into boiling water and every 2-3 minutes remove a pair of upper softened sheets.
  3. The filling for lean cabbage rolls can be made from vegetables, mushrooms with the addition of rice or other cereals.

Lenten cabbage rolls with vegetables

The most simple and tasty lean cabbage rolls are made with rice and a classic vegetable mix: onions and carrots. If desired, the composition of the filling can be expanded by adding a little Bulgarian sweet pepper for juiciness and extra flavor. Spending an hour and a half, you can make four mouth-watering portions.



  1. Boil rice and prepare cabbage leaves.
  2. Pass the onions and carrots, add half to the rice.
  3. To the remaining vegetables, tomato juice is poured, spices, garlic are thrown and boils are given.
  4. Make lean stuffed cabbage rolls, fry them in vegetable oil and pat them under the lid for 20 minutes, adding tomato sauce.

Cabbage rolls with mushrooms

Lovely cabbage rolls with mushrooms will be an excellent alternative to classic ones . The recipe uses always available champignons, but if you can replace them with forest mushrooms, be sure to use it - from this dish only becomes more fragrant and tastier. Of the specified number of products, 4 servings will be obtained.



  1. Boil rice, add fried mushrooms, half onions and carrots, greens, seasonings.
  2. They decorate leaves and stuffing stuffed cabbage, put them in a saucepan.
  3. The remaining fry is poured with juice, garlic, seasonings are added, poured into lean cabbage rolls.
  4. Stir the dish under the lid for 20 minutes.

Lenten cabbage rolls with buckwheat

Making a dish of this kind, the most unexpected experiments result in an excellent taste result. So, if you make lean cabbage cabbage cabbage , and add the cooked buckwheat instead of rice, it will turn out to be completely new in all respects, but not less tasty and appetizing.



  1. Cut the base off the cabbage, separate the leaves and blanch them for a couple of minutes in boiling water.
  2. I boil buckwheat, mix with half of onion-carrot fry.
  3. The stuffed cabbage rolls are put in a saucepan.
  4. The frying is mixed with juice, garlic, seasonings, poured to cabbage rolls.
  5. Stuff the lean cabbage rolls under the lid for 20 minutes.

Cabbage rolls with potatoes

Surprisingly delicious are lean cabbage rolls with potatoes, which are supplemented with onions and mushrooms. Rice or other cereals in this case are not used, but the flavoring result pleases not less than usual. To feed the original and delicious dish of four people need to spend an hour and a half.



  1. Prepare the leaves, boil the potatoes and turn it into mashed potatoes.
  2. Fry onion in oil, carrots and mushrooms, season, add to the mashed potatoes.
  3. Fill the leaves with leaves, put them in a saucepan.
  4. Pour the sauce products, stew under the lid for 20 minutes, served with chopped fresh dill.

Lenten cabbage rolls with foie gras

Original and interesting to taste are the lean cabbage rolls with millet and mushrooms. Initially, the grain should be boiled, boiled for a couple of minutes and rinsed thoroughly. This will leave the unpleasant bitterness inherent in the product. The sauce can be further thickened with flour, frying it a little in oil.



  1. Prepare leaves and millet.
  2. Pass the onions, carrots, add mushrooms, millet and fry 10 minutes.
  3. Pour 150 ml of boiling water, season the mass and puff for 15 minutes.
  4. Fill the leaves with leaves, put them in a saucepan.
  5. Mix the broth with the pasta, season, pour to cabbage rolls, pat in the lid for 20 minutes.

Cabbage rolls with beans

Stuffed cabbage rolls with beans, thanks to the characteristics of the latter, are in no way inferior to the classical dish with meat by their nutritional properties, and in some cases even surpass it. To save time, you can use canned beans or pre-soak and boil until ready to dry.



  1. Cabbage leaves are prepared.
  2. Pass the onion with carrots, add beans, warm up 2 minutes.
  3. Of the leaves and fillings make out cabbage rolls, pour them tomato juice, seasoned to taste and pruned under the lid for 20 minutes.

Lenten cabbage rolls in the oven

Lenten cabbage rolls, the recipe of which you learn later, unlike the previous variations are prepared in the oven. The composition of the filling can be supplemented if desired with other vegetables or mushroom fry, and add a little tomato paste to the sauce. Of the specified number of components, four tasty portions will be obtained.



  1. Boil the rice, add the onion saved in oil, fragrant herbs, parsley greens and mix.
  2. Prepare cabbage leaves, fill them with rice, put them into shape.
  3. On olive oil fry the flour, pour in broth, mixing the mixture with a whisk.
  4. Season the sauce to taste, pour into the mold on top.
  5. Dispose of the container in a heated oven.
  6. After 30-40 minutes, lean baked cabbage rolls will be ready.

Lenten lazy cabbage rolls - recipe

The following recipe will please those who do not want to bother with the preparation of cabbage leaves and their stuffing. The slothful lazy cabbage rolls are made in the likeness of meatballs, after which they are baked in the same manner in the oven or are waxed in a sauce on the stove. After spending an hour and a half, you can prepare a tasty dish for four.



  1. Boil the rice until half cooked.
  2. Grate the carrots, chop the onions, mushrooms and pass the ingredients until the moisture evaporates in the pan.
  3. Shred cabbage, pawn in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then pour into a sieve, allow to drain and mix with fried rice.
  4. Season the mass, form out of it oblong cutlets, bread them in flour, put them in a saucepan, pour sauce, cover with foil and send it to the oven.
  5. After 40 minutes lean lazy cabbage rolls will be ready.

Lenten cabbage rolls in the multivariate

It's easy and simple to cook lean stuffed cabbage rolls with rice in a multivariate. The filling can be absolutely any choice: from rice with onion roast or vegetables, with the addition of mushrooms, from beans or other lean ingredients. As a fill, the traditional tomato sauce from pasta or tomato juice is used.



  1. Prepare cabbage and stuffing.
  2. The stuffed cabbage rolls are laid in a bowl.
  3. Fill the blanks with flavored tomato sauce and turn on "Quenching" for 1 hour.