Why pregnant women should not be nervous?

We have known since childhood that it is impossible to be nervous, and the nerve cells are not restored. But with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, this rule should be unchanged for every woman, because everything that she experiences, certainly affects the health of the child. Pregnancy and nerves are incompatible concepts that have serious consequences for the future baby. In this article we will try to answer the questions, why pregnant women should not be nervous, and what consequences can be after a nervous pregnancy.

How nerves affect pregnancy?

If the future mother is nervous and angry, it can provoke:

Nerves during pregnancy - consequences

The consequences of troubled nerves during pregnancy are unpredictable for both the mother and the baby. Nerves during pregnancy, especially in the second half, can cause fetal hypoxia , which is very dangerous for his life. Doctors say that a woman who is nervous during pregnancy risks giving birth to a child with a lack of weight or with asthmatic diseases. Also, the nerves spent by the mother during pregnancy contribute to the birth of an anxious and overly mobile baby. Such children have a disturbance of the wakefulness and sleep regime.

How to calm nerves during pregnancy?

Nerves in pregnant women at the limit, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, when in the body of the future mom there is a hormonal surge. If everything is annoying - husband, children, friends, work - it is necessary to take soothing, otherwise this condition can harm the child. You can take tablets of Bulgarian Valerian, the drops of Leonurus's tincture and Drusen 's drug are also good.

Traditional medicine also offers its own recipe for calming the nerves during pregnancy. We propose several folk recipes, which are recommended for use as herbal decoctions:

  1. In equal parts take the grass swine and motherwort, brew in a thermos for 8 hours. Drink a teaspoon three times a day after meals.
  2. In equal parts, take the herb of thyme, motherwort, leaves of plantain, add to them two parts of the hips and half of the roots of valerian. Pour the collection of herbs with boiling water and after half an hour you can already use 100 ml per day.
  3. In equal parts take herbs - St. John's wort, sage, mint, lemon balm, add berries of Kalina and, pour boiling water, insist 10 minutes and drink 100 ml per day.

When taking these broths, one must take into account the individual intolerance of the herbs included in the collection and their allergenicity.

It is not necessary to think that a pregnant woman can calm nerves by drinking 2 tablets, such drugs require a long and systematic application. Valerian, for example, should drink 2 tablets 2 times a day - in the morning and evening before bedtime. In a week of systematic intake of sedative medications, a pregnant woman should feel a decrease in tension, a decrease in anxiety, an improvement in sleep. After taking sedatives, the woman will be more relaxed about everything that used to irritate her.

Medicinal preparations will help the pregnant woman to calm nerves at work, in fact up to the seven-month term it is necessary for her to finish unfinished business, to train the person in the place, to transfer powers.

Perfect means that help to cope with nervous nerves during pregnancy are: drawing, gymnastics, yoga, as well as buying cute little things for the future baby.