Laurel leaf in folk medicine

Any woman is familiar with the laurel leaf as a fragrant spice suitable for almost all dishes. In this article, we will examine what the laurel leaf in folk medicine is known for and how it can be used in the treatment of diseases.

How useful is the bay leaf?

This plant is virtually a panacea for many diseases. The properties of the bay leaves impress with their variety:

The use of bay leaf is due to its high content of phytoncides and natural antibiotics. In addition, the leaves of this plant are rich in curative essential oils.

Cleaning of vessels with bay leaf

It is necessary to boil 6 large leaves of laurel in 300 ml of pure water. After boiling the solution, it should be held on low heat for 5 minutes, then insist the broth in the thermos for 5-6 hours. The received medicine should be taken 3 days, drinking 3-4 sips at a time. The number of receptions should not exceed 5-6 doses of decoction.

When cleaning vessels with bay leaves, it is desirable to adhere to a healthy diet, limit alcohol consumption.

Cleaning of joints with bay leaf

Make a decoction according to the previous recipe, only in this case it is necessary to use 30 sheets of laurel. The finished solution should be filtered and poured into a glass container after infusion. Within 3 days you need to take the medicine every half hour for 3 drinks. After a week, you should repeat the course of treatment.

During the intake of the drug, it is necessary to enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and dietary meat (poultry, beef), and also monitor the normal functioning of the intestine.

Cleansing joints can be done once every 9 weeks, then - once every 12 months if necessary.

Bay leaf: treatment for genyantritis

Insist 5 bay leaves in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. To soak the gauze napkin with the received solution and to impose on a nose and a forehead, to remove after the napkin will cool down. Repeat the procedure until the broth becomes warm.

It is advisable to do the compress daily before bedtime until the condition improves (5-7 days).

Treatment of diathesis with bay leaf

In 150 ml of water add 2 large leaves of laurel, bring to a boil. Insist broth 60-80 minutes, cool. The resulting solution wipe the affected skin every hour.

This recipe very well helps with diathesis in children , especially in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin.

Treatment of diabetes with laurel leaf

Reduce blood sugar for a short while time will help laurel broth:

After 3 months of treatment, you need to take a break for 4 weeks, after which the course can be repeated.