A dream interpreter is a knife - why dream of such dreams?

Dreams that feature piercing-cutting objects are always alarming and filled with danger to a person, especially if they are attacks with a knife. If you look at the dream book, the knife in dreams can be interpreted not only as a threat - it all depends on the nuances that are important to pay attention to.

What does the knife dream about?

Interpretation of sleep with a knife should begin with the situation: what surrounds people, to track their feelings at this moment when someone appears with a knife in their hands, or the dreamer himself holds a knife, then how this object was in his hands. If it is a dream attack with a knife, what preceded this episode of the event. Everything is important. If at the time of the awakening a feeling of anxiety arose, perhaps the subconscious mind tries to so warn about the need to pay attention to one's surroundings.

Why does the knife attack?

When analyzing the dream of attack, the next point is important: the knife in the dream was in the dreamer's eyes or the attack was committed on him by another person. Variants of interpretation of such a dream:

Why does a knife in the back?

The back of a person is a vulnerable place, so any dream book with a knife in the back, during a dream interprets as unfavorable:

Why dream about sharpening a knife?

Blunt knives in the house - a sign that there is no man in it, so it was considered old. What can signify a dream sharpen a knife in a dream:

Why dream of killing a man with a knife?

Murder in a dream carries a different semantic load, it all depends on the circumstances, sometimes the subconscious so tries to get rid of burdensome relationships, thoughts or vain deeds. Other interpretations of sleep:

Why dream of finding a knife?

Knife in a dream can act like an artifact, especially an old knife and finding such an object can mean the acquisition of power. When interpreting a dream, it is important to pay attention to what kind of knife it was and what emotions were tested from the find, what was it - fear, horror or admiration? Find a knife in a dream - different interpretations:

What is the dream of a broken knife?

In this dream it is important to note the details of the breakdown, what is broken is the blade or handle, what events preceded the breakdown of the knife? From these nuances is a complete picture of the dream. That's what the different dream books say about the broken knife:

Why do you dream a lot of knives?

Many knives as a gift in a dream will please the collector of cold steel, other people on waking up such a dream raises a number of questions. World dream-books interpret a dream, where there are many knives in different ways:

Why dream of cutting raw meat with a knife?

Cooking is a natural everyday process, but if it is understandable in reality, then in a dream it can be a symbol or an omen of something, and often those who dreamed of this process have a question, a dream to cut raw meat with a knife-is it favorable or not? Dreams interpret the following:

Why does a knife in the blood dream?

Dreams with blood are mostly negative, because blood is a violation of the integrity of the human physical shell, and if the blood on such an object as a knife, then there are questions about what happened, whose blood it is - answering them you can analyze sleep. How is the dream treated, where the knife is soiled in the blood:

What does the knife in his hand dream about?

Sleeping - a knife in the hand is very useful for interpreting the state, thoughts, mood of the dreamer, can indicate the significant problems in this period that torment and require an answer or a possible solution. To what events in reality does the knife in his hand dream:

Why dream of buying a knife?

The knife is the archetype of power and power, and dreams of buying this weapon symbolize the desire for authoritarianism and domination over either a particular person or a group of people. What can you understand for yourself if you dreamed of a knife: