Acute Adjika for the winter - the best recipes of burning conservation

Canned spicy adzhika for the winter will be an indispensable addition when serving meat dishes. Prepare it in many ways, and every cook will be able to choose a suitable recipe, based on their own taste preferences, the availability of the necessary ingredients and the wishes of those who will try the sauce.

How to cook spicy adzhika?

Harvested sharp adzhika for the winter - recipes that each novice cook is able to implement. The complexity of the process of making sauce is reduced only to the preparation of the products included in the composition.

  1. Given that the Adjika is prepared from hot pepper, gloves should be used to avoid burning your hands when cleaning pods.
  2. If the burning adzhika is not subjected to heat treatment, it is necessary to increase the amount of preserving ingredients: salt, hot pepper and vinegar.
  3. In fermented adzhika, as a rule, vinegar is not added. But in order to keep the preservation well in the room, the preservative is added, but in a minimal amount.
  4. In the composition of any hot sauce there is garlic in considerable quantity and to clean it becomes the main problem of the cook. To facilitate the process, you need to place the teeth in a bowl, cover and shake well.

Acute Abkhazian Adjika - recipe

Adjika from bitter pepper in Abkhazian - seasoning is not for the faint-hearted! As a rule, it is used for preparing multi-component sauces, marinating meat or vegetables before frying. For cooking, be sure to get a pair of rubber gloves and patience, to clean the pepper qualitatively, any pods are used - red or green.



  1. In a dry hot pan, pour out all the spices, fry for no more than one minute.
  2. Pour into a mortar and rinse thoroughly.
  3. Immerse in the blender peeled pepper, garlic, spices, punch into the paste.
  4. Add salt, mix.
  5. The acute Abkhazian Adjika is kept for the winter in the refrigerator.

Georgian adzhika from hot pepper

Acid adzhika in Georgian differs in the content of greenery in large quantities. Cilantro and parsley give the sauce an unforgettable taste. It is stored adzhika well in the basement, and in the pantry (a considerable amount of salt acts as a preserving component). Walnuts slightly soften the vigorous qualities of adzhika and give an interesting flavor.



  1. Pepper and garlic clean.
  2. Nuts brown on a dry frying pan.
  3. Beat all ingredients with a blender in a homogeneous paste.
  4. Coriander wipe in a mortar, mix with hops-suneli, pour into Adzhika.
  5. Greens chopped very finely, put into sauce, season with salt, mix.

Acute adjika for the winter from a tomato

To get a vigorous adzhika from a tomato you need to add more garlic, hot pepper, mustard seeds and spices in the sauce. To season for a long time in a pantry or basement, it is boiled for half an hour. Of this amount of ingredients, one half-liter jar of the billet will come out.



  1. Blanched tomatoes cut randomly, put in a saucepan.
  2. Add pepper, chopped garlic, a mixture of spices and mashed mustard seeds.
  3. Boil 25 minutes, pierce blender.
  4. Top with a minimum of 10 minutes.
  5. Pour into sterile containers and cork.
  6. It is stored such a sharp adzhika for the winter in the basement.

Spicy Adzhika from Zucchini

Insanely delicious and moderately sharp adzhika from zucchini for the winter - a great way to get rid of the surplus vegetable crop. In the course you can start up the overripe fruits, having cleared from a rigid peel and seeds. An important point is grinding zucchini, use only meat grinder, the blender will make from vegetables a homogeneous porridge, not very appetizing in appearance.



  1. Zucchini cleanse, remove large seeds.
  2. Scroll through the meat grinder pepper (seeds can not be removed), tomatoes and zucchini.
  3. Add salt and cook.
  4. To simmer the sauce for 30 minutes.
  5. Add the vinegar and mashed garlic, mix.
  6. Pour in a sterile container, cork.

Acute Adjika with horseradish

Extraordinary spicy and sharp adzhika, the recipe of which involves adding horseradish. Roots give the sauce a burning sensation and extend its shelf life. It is important not to deviate from the recipe, especially from the use of garlic, thanks to its presence, the sauce does not get fresh, and too many teeth in the composition can badly affect the health of consumers.



  1. Blanched tomatoes are scrolled with pepper, garlic and horseradish through a meat grinder.
  2. Add salt, mix.
  3. Pour into sterilized dishes.
  4. Delicious sharp adzhika, harvested for the winter, will be in a few days, when nastoyatsya.

Acid adzhika with apples

To the best of bitter adzhika for the winter is obtained with the addition of green apples. Fruits balance the taste and make the sauce very spicy. The presence of pepper, garlic and tomatoes remains unchanged. Often in the composition add horseradish - this ingredient is not mandatory. Of this amount of products will be about 3 liters of sauce.



  1. Apples cleanse, remove seeds.
  2. Blanch the tomatoes, remove the pepper from the seeds.
  3. Scroll through the meat grinder all vegetables, including garlic.
  4. Pour into the saucepan, add salt, sugar, dry spices and finely chopped greens.
  5. Toss the sauce for 25 minutes.
  6. Pour into sterilized jars, seal sealed.
  7. After cooling, sharp adzhika for winter is moved to the basement.

Sharp Adzhika from beets for the winter

An unusual taste is a beetroot adzhika with hot pepper. The sweetness of these vegetables balances the bitter taste of peppers and spices and as a result the sauce turns out to be very tender and light, while very burning. Seasoning is added to the soup, complemented by meat treats, and it's just like a piece of bread to anyone. A simple preparation of acute adzhika from beets is possible for every cook.



  1. Cut beets and cut with butter in a blender.
  2. Put on medium heat, boil puree, salt and pepper.
  3. Pour the tomato, throw the puree of garlic and peppers.
  4. To simmer 30 minutes.
  5. Pour the vinegar, cook for 2 minutes.
  6. Distribute in steamed jars, seal sealed.

Adjika from Bulgarian and bitter pepper

To get this sharp adzhika green , you can not use peppers of other colors. In the composition there is a lot of greenery - cilantro and parsley. Spicy sauce is stored for several months in cold conditions, cooked without heat treatment, so all the valuable properties of the seasoning are preserved.



  1. Remove peppers from seeds, and peel garlic.
  2. Scroll through the meat grinder all the prepared ingredients, including greens.
  3. Pour in the vinegar, add salt and sugar.
  4. Pour into a sterile container, put into a cool room.

Acid adzhika from cucumbers

Absolutely unusual and very sharp adzhika for the winter, cooked on the basis of cucumbers, will conquer its original taste of all lovers of unusual combinations in food. Served with a dish of meat treats, add to marinades, it is perfectly stored throughout the cold period, even in domestic, not very cold conditions.



  1. Blanching tomatoes, peppers to clear from seeds.
  2. Scroll through the meat grinder peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and garlic.
  3. Add in puree oil and salt, bring the mass to a boil.
  4. To agitate the adjika for 25 minutes, add vinegar, boil for 2 minutes.
  5. Pour into sterile containers, tightly seal.

Sharp Adjika from carrots

Sweet-sharp adzhika for the winter from carrots will be liked even by those who do not really like burning dishes. The taste of this sauce is very balanced, piquant and unusual. Prepared seasoning in two accounts, the main difficulty in the manufacturing process will be cleaning and slicing vegetables. It is not necessary to save in the choice of vegetable oil, it plays an important role in creating an unusual taste of sauce, so it should be of high quality.



  1. Blanched tomatoes, peeled peppers, garlic and carrots scrolled through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour in the oil and add salt.
  3. TOM: 3 hours.
  4. Pour into sterilized containers, cork and place under a blanket for slow cooling.

Acute adzhika without cooking for the winter

The most useful, rich in vitamins and other valuable substances is acute adzhika without cooking . The sauce is stored throughout the winter thanks to a large number of preserving ingredients - hot pepper, salt and vinegar. Special spicy taste is added spices and dried herbs. Approximately 5-6 half-liter cans of billet come out of this quantity of ingredients.



  1. Tomatoes, peppers, garlic and horseradish scrolled through a meat grinder.
  2. Add salt, dried herbs and vinegar, mix.
  3. Packed in a sterilized container and capped with a cap cap.
  4. Keep adzhika exclusively in the refrigerator.