What is itching for the right breast?

Thanks to the observance of our ancestors a large number of signs arose. They allowed to know some events of the future. In the modern world, superstitions have lost their popularity and many do not pay attention to them. Despite this, some people revere the wisdom and knowledge of their ancestors and try to comply with all warnings and recommendations. People's signs explaining why the chest, nose, hands and other parts of the body are itching help to learn about the events of the near future. Use superstition is only after excluding other causes of itching. In some cases, itching occurs when a disease or allergy develops. It should also be said that almost all interpretations are designed specifically for the female population.

What is itching for the right breast?

The interpretation of superstition has a connection with the duration of itching. For example, if it persists for several days, it is an indication that a loved one has changed with another woman. When the chest itches from time to time, it means that one of the acquaintances at the moment greatly yearns for you. And to look for fans stands among the blondes. In some cases, this phenomenon can predict an early sexual relationship. There is another interpretation of the omens, why it itches the right breast, which has a negative character. Suddenly itching appears that life has failed, and it's time to admit to yourself. Thanks to this, it will be possible to start everything from a new sheet and try to achieve the goal. Itching in the area of ​​the right breast serves as a recommendation that it is worth revising life priorities.

A sign that tells what the right breast is itching was used by our ancestors to predict the weather. Itching in this area most often predicted it was cooling or rain. If the chest itches in a dream - it's a recommendation that you should look at your loved one, because he can betray.

Consider the question of why the right breast is scratched in men. For the representatives of the stronger sex, the itch in this area indicates that the "black band" is over and everything will be fine. A sign indicates that luck will be a long time to accompany in all life spheres.

Other superstitions associated with the bust

To this day, people's signs have come, explaining not only why the right chest is scratched, but also other situations. For example, women with the same size breasts can count on a secure and measured life. If the right breast is larger than the left one, then in the first half of life a woman will face various tests and misfortunes, but eventually everything will change and will be adjusted. On the nature of the fair sex will be able to tell a mole on his chest. The natural "sign" on the right half indicates changeability, such a woman often changes her opinion and direction in life. In antiquity, if a girl developed her breast early, it was considered, that she was conceived before the wedding, or she herself would live according to such a scenario.

Our ancestors conducted some rituals, which for the modern society seem ridiculous. For example, to increase the bust of the girl ate vegetables of round shape, which they pre-heated, holding the bosom. They also drank water according to the rules: in large sips. Still girls applied to a breast of different-sex kittens or puppies. It is important that the animals had as many days as the years, how many full years the representative of the beautiful half of humanity. In ancient times it was believed that sucking animals should lead to breast enlargement. If the woman wanted, on the contrary, that the breast is diminished, she moistened it with water, which had previously been washed by the deceased.