Negative emotions

With the help of emotions a person shows his attitude towards another person, phenomenon, thing, event. And since the relationship is positive and negative, then emotions are born positive and negative. To positive emotions people have a more favorable attitude than to negative ones. It's nice when a person laughs, rejoices, shows a warm attitude towards someone. To the negative emotions the attitude is exactly the opposite, therefore in society it is accepted not to show its negative attitude. However, negative emotions help us to better understand ourselves and other people. With their help, the mind signals that it is uncomfortable and that it is necessary to take some measures to change the situation.

However, despite the fact that negatively colored emotions are necessary for us, there are many situations where they can interfere with both the person experiencing the negative and others.

Barrier of negative emotions

One of the barriers hindering effective communication is the barrier of negative emotions. It occurs in situations where a person experiences negative emotions, distorts reality, interferes with understanding each other and encourages a person to avoid communication.

There are barriers to negative emotions:

  1. The barrier of fear.
  2. Barrier of sorrow or suffering.
  3. The barrier of anger.
  4. The barrier of disgust.
  5. Barrier of shame (guilt).
  6. The barrier of contempt.
  7. Mood barrier.

How to get rid of negative emotions?

The influence of negative emotions on human health is known even from biblical times. Ancient people knew that a dull spirit leads to disease, and a cheerful heart can act as a medicine. Modern studies have confirmed the observations of our ancestors and proved that prolonged stay of a person in a state of negative emotions leads to such violations in the body's work:

Psychologists give the following recommendations how to get rid of negative emotions:

  1. More pay attention to the positive: optimistic people, humorous television shows, funny movies.
  2. Use meditations aimed at finding harmony with the world and yourself.
  3. Learn to find positive in any situation.
  4. Keep a diary of joy in which to record the best events of the day.
  5. Do your favorite things.
  6. Do sports or dancing.