What smear of chickenpox in children, except zelenki?

Chicken pox is one of the most common childhood diseases, which most parents frighten, primarily because of the frightening rash that appears almost everywhere: on the face, chest, back, legs, hands, feet and even the scalp. Pediatricians of old training often recommend using brilliant green for treatment of pimples to exclude the possibility of secondary infection. After all, the disease is accompanied by severe itching, so the baby begins to intensively comb the skin.

Why not use green?

Modern moms and dads are often interested in the question of what will happen if you do not smear chickenpox with green and whether it will negatively affect the baby's condition. The use of this drug has such drawbacks:

What are the alternatives to diamond green?

Modern doctors will easily answer your question, than smear chickenpox in children, except zelenok, because clinical studies convincingly prove that there are many drugs that have no less effectiveness. Consider the main ones:

  1. A solution of fucocine . They moisten a cotton swab and wipe the affected skin areas at least 2-4 times a day. But also to abuse such a tool is not worth it, since in large quantities it can have a toxic effect. In addition, with green fukortsin related that it has a rich red color, which is poorly washed away.
  2. Calamine. Thinking about what you can smear of chickenpox, except for green, pay attention to this modern drug, which has virtually no contraindications, except for very rare cases of individual intolerance. Kalamin not only dries up the rash and has a disinfectant effect, but also perfectly cools the irritated skin, removing itching. That is why it is often advised to use it for chicken pox.
  3. Rivanol solution. Rashes with chickenpox they smear only twice a day, which is quite possible to achieve the desired result. Although rivanol is yellow and slightly stains the skin, even the slightest of its traces can easily be washed off with soap and water. That's why if your house was visited by chickenpox, do not hesitate longly, than to smear pockmarks instead of green: immediately go to the pharmacy for this solution.
  4. Manganese solution. It is also widely used for the treatment of rashes with chicken pox. To do this, the solution should have a pale pink shade to avoid a serious skin burn. However, unfortunately, in most cases now potassium permanganate is sold in pharmacies only on prescription.
  5. Fenistil gel. This is an excellent foreign medicinal product, having an antiallergic effect. Therefore, when it comes to talking about how to smear pimples when chickenpox, except zelenok, pay attention to this particular drug.
  6. Tea tree oil. A distinctive feature of the remedy is its naturalness, absence of cauterizing effect and hypoallergenicity.

If the baby is very worried about the rash on the mucous membranes and you hesitate, than it will be better to smear chickenpox: green or fucorcine, know that much better relieve the condition of a small patient washing with infusions of chamomile, string or furatsilina solution.