Childbirth in cats

A very important moment is coming in the life of the cat and its owner - childbirth. Well, if you have not experienced this for the first time, and know all the nuances. But some people face this for the first time, and then the mistress of the future fluffy mother immediately has a lot of questions. Let's try to answer the most important of them in order to clarify the situation.

How does the birth of a cat begin?

First of all, if you are planning to have the birth of a cat in your home, prepare a cozy nest for your pet. Otherwise, she can do it herself. It would be unpleasant to find a large cat family in your closet or on a clean bed. A box with approximate dimensions of 50x50x20 is quite suitable for this. You can install a removable cover to block this place from all sides. A few hours before this important event, the animal begins to worry and shun people. On the nipples, colostrum can begin to appear, and discharge appears from its vagina.

At first grayish-red waters leave, and then fights begin. Beginners are always interested in the question of how long the birth of a cat. Usually everything should happen in 24 hours. But if something unpredictable happens, and after the withdrawal of water it will be six or eight hours, and the first kitten has not appeared, then it is worth turning to the veterinarian. If the gap after the appearance of the first kitten and the second exceeds three to four hours, it will also be necessary to help the medic. This happens in completely different ways. In some cats, the interval between the appearance of one kitten and another is only ten minutes, and for others - several hours. It is worthwhile at this time to provide their mother with water, milk. Usually she herself gnaws the umbilical cord and eats it with the placenta, and then gently licks her baby's tongue.

Help the cat during childbirth

If everything goes well, then do not interfere with the process, otherwise you can disturb her, and she will eat her children. But sometimes complications may arise during labor in cats, and then you will have to help her. If the kitten is stuck in the birth canal, then very carefully try to pull it out. But try not to keep it at this time for the head, because the cervical vertebrae of the baby are very fragile. It is necessary to hold it by the legs or by the folds of the skin, alternately trying to pull in different directions. If the liquid has long ago departed and the birth canal has become dry, then lubricate your fingers with petroleum jelly. You need to drag along the body and never perpendicular to how the cat lies. The second hand the hostess can hold at this time her for the abdomen. Try to do everything delicately and do not use much force, because it is easy not only to injure the kitten, but also to break the birth canal from his mother.

If the kid goes forward with the paws and jams it, you can push it back. He can change his position and go normally. The stuck placenta should be removed with your fingers. Sometimes the baby comes out in the ancestral vesicle, then it is necessary to tear it apart, otherwise it can suffocate. Try to immediately wipe his nose so that the liquid does not get into your mouth. Kitten take a nose down, holding the head with your fingers. It is necessary at this moment to shake it, so that the lungs leave the water. It will also help neat energetic grinding of the baby's breast, which will replace artificial respiration. Normal breathing should be even and without any wheezing. The lack of oxygen can be said by the blue tongue. Wrap it in a clean and soft cloth, keep the kitten head down. Weak squeak tells you that he began to breathe on his own. Sometimes a cat does not bite an umbilical cord. Here it will be necessary to stretch its thread, about a couple of centimeters from the baby's abdomen, and cut with scissors, and place the cut with zebra or iodine.

What do you need a cat after giving birth?

While the birth does not end completely, remove the kids from their mother, placing them in heat. In this case, a warmer or bottles with heated water can help. When the kittens are too sluggish, weak or mucous, an incomprehensible plaque forms, then seek help from a doctor. Try to understand if all the babies were born. If something is bothering you, it's best to contact the veterinarian right away. Provide the cat with water and access to the toilet.

Care for a cat after childbirth includes special meals. Calcium deficiency can cause seizures in the mother. It will be necessary in the first days to give her fish oil, calcium, vitamins and bone meal. She should take food more often, about five times a day. Try to make the food varied. You can put a bowl of food near her house. Take care that she does not start mastitis, and all babies have enough milk. At the slightest signs of postpartum eclampsia (toxicosis), give sweet water or glucose, and immediately call a veterinarian. The behavior of a cat after childbirth may change slightly. When approaching strangers, she will be nervous, and not allow anyone to the box. Sometimes a cat does not want to leave the shelter and it is necessary to expel it from there with force to clean the nest.