Value of flowers in a bouquet

Any bouquet of flowers is not just a beautiful composition, but a real message. It is easy to decipher this letter if the bouquet is made up of flowers with famous symbols, for example, roses. But even with roses you can make a mistake.

What do the roses say?

Everyone knows that roses are flowers of love, but not everyone knows that the color of roses in a bouquet is of great importance.

A red rose is a real passion, a ripe, bright feeling.

A pink rose is a nascent love, a liking, a hope for an answer. The timorous love of two young creatures.

A yellow rose in the UK can be perceived as a symbol of jealousy, because it was this value that was given to yellow flowers during the reign of Queen Victoria. In Russia, for a bright sunny color, these roses are very loved, and they were associated with friendship, warm relations and joy.

White roses speak of happiness and admiration. Therefore, white roses are always in the bouquet of the bride. "I'm happy" - this is the message of these flowers.

Importance of colors in different countries

The meaning of flowers in a bouquet differs in different countries, as well as the number of colors, and the color of their petals. For example, the hydrangea in Europe is considered the custodian of health and well-being, and in Japan it is a symbol of grief and heartache. The value of chrysanthemums in a bouquet in China and Japan is positive, and in France they are considered the colors of death.

Values ​​of different colors

Some color values:

  1. Azalea - sadness, loneliness; in some countries - the recognition of female beauty. In Japan - the keeper of family well-being.
  2. Pansies are fidelity and mutual affection.
  3. Aster - a symbol of modesty, charm and elegance. But in some countries it means sadness.
  4. Irises - hope, wisdom, peace and tranquility.
  5. Callas - purity, nobility, chastity.
  6. Narcissus is considered a symbol of self-esteem, vanity and selfishness, but in Italy it is considered a flower of passion.
  7. Tulip is usually perceived as a symbol of grandeur and wealth, but in the interpretation of symbolism, the color of tulips is of great importance. Red tulips - a symbol of irresistible attraction, love. Yellow - the desire for wealth and prosperity (and not the message of separation). White tulips mean purity and youth.

The number of colors

The number of flowers in the bouquet also has value: one flower is given to the one whom they want to give a token of attention, three - to show respect, five and seven flowers are given as a declaration of love. The exception to this rule is roses. It is interesting that roses can be given in an odd number, and the value of the number of roses in a bouquet sometimes depends on the color.

One rose is "you are the only one." But if you give a yellow rose - "you are my close friend."

Two roses are a manifestation of a reciprocal feeling.

Three roses - "I love you". Exceptions are yellow roses, meaning a very strong friendship, tested for years.

10 roses mean the recognition of perfect beauty and admiration of the mind of the chosen one.

15 roses give to someone who wants to ask for forgiveness.

24 roses in a bouquet say "I think about you every hour".

108 roses, regardless of their color, mean marriage offer.

The meaning of flowers in a wedding bouquet

Particular importance attached to the flowers in the wedding bouquet. The most popular flowers in a wedding bouquet are roses. The second place is given to white lilies and callas. White callas - a symbol of conjugal happiness, and lilies - purity and innocence. In the wedding bouquet do not recommend the use of red lilies, despite all its beauty, the lily of this color is considered a symbol of pride. Decorate bouquets with ivy. This plant is a symbol of strong family ties.

The color of flowers for wedding bouquets does not necessarily have to be white. Yellow flowers, for example, are a symbol of marriage, only yellow should be warm, not cold. Orange in a bouquet is a wish for young wealth, and red for a passionate love for life.