Star of Lada

The Star of Lada refers to the ancient Slavic symbols. There are other names - the Star of Russia, Svarogov Square and the Star of the Virgin Mary. The symbol can be used not only in household ornaments, but also as a strong amulet protecting from negative energy. It is believed that in this symbol the forces of the Gods and Nature united. Since ancient times the Star of Lada has been called the symbol of all Russia.

The meaning of the Star of Lada symbol

Already from the name it is clear that this is a personal symbol of the goddess Lada. Outwardly, it is somewhat like a hearth, from which four tongues of flame come out. They carry a certain meaning and symbolize: faith, freedom, justice and honor. The hearth is enclosed in a circle, which means the Sun.

Initially, the Star of Lada was used exclusively as a female amulet, which allows to stabilize energy and get rid of nervous tension. If you regularly carry an amulet with you, you can become calm, reasonable and kind. In addition, this symbol positively affects the relationship between mother and children. It is important to note that only a woman who honors her race can rely on the help of the Lada Star and in her life she does not forget such a notion as conscience. If the Lade Star is used by a person who has renounced his ancestors, then he can cause significant harm.

Since ancient times, this symbol is considered a source of wisdom that has been accumulating over the years, so a person who uses a guard in his life becomes self-confident, takes courage and strength. Another value of the Lada Stars is a powerful "guard" for the house. With its help, you can establish relationships between relatives and create a comfortable atmosphere. The symbol will protect the house from the penetration of a different kind of negativity.

Tattoo with the image of the Stars of the Virgin Mary cause not only women but also men to apply to their body, since, as mentioned above, this symbol was also called "Svarog Square". Tattoo gives its owner freedom, independence, strength and stamina before any tests.

The wardrobe can be purchased in the shop already ready, but everyone can do it by themselves. You can use wood and, most of all, female, as well as clay, metal and leather. An important rule is that you can not protect yourself. If a person wants to get a Star of Lada, then you should ask to make an amulet of a blood relative. During the manufacture of the amulet, you must accurately repeat the pattern without distortion, since it will not have any strength.