David Bowie in his youth

The birthplace of David Bowie is London, in which he was born on January 8, 1947. The capital of England in those years was not the best place to raise children. So in 1953, Bowie and his parents moved to the suburbs.

David Bowie in his childhood and youth

At the preschool age, a small David studied in the preparatory group, after which he entered school at the age of six. All teachers noted the fact that the boy was very smart, talented and promising. At the same time, everyone was extremely upset by his scandalous disposition. At school he was a real bully. Developed Bowie versatile: engaged in football, singing in the school choir, playing the flute. At the same time, the head of the school choir noted that his success in singing was very mediocre.

At the age of 9, a circle of choreography and music was added to the list of the boy's hobbies. Now the teachers spoke about the success of David quite differently: "He has just phenomenal abilities. Interpretations in his performance are fantastic and bright! ".

One day, Bowie's father brought home records of Elvis Presley . David was so impressed by the American singer that he immediately asked his father to buy a musical instrument for ukulele. Then he began to master the pianoforte.

Now the young man devoted all his free time to music. Because of this, school performance has dropped very much. It got to the point that he failed the final exams. Therefore, David was forced to continue his education not in the university, but in a technical college. During the time spent in college, Bowie successfully mastered a lot of musical instruments, including keyboards, winds and percussion instruments. Also during this period the musician discovers for himself such a direction in music as jazz.

The thorny path of a musician

The first of his group, Bowie gathered in 15 years. For a year of existence they played only at banquets. Then David joined the staff of The King Bees. At this time he wrote a letter to a millionaire with an offer to become their sponsor to earn another million. The appeal of the musician gave the result. Thanks to him, David signed his first contract with the publisher The Beatles. After that, he changed three more music bands, released six singles, which were absolutely disastrous. The next two years of his life, Bowie devoted circus art.

The first successful single was released in 1969. He was called Space Oddity and came out just at the time when the first astronauts landed on the Moon. His music was used by all TV channels for reporting on this event. As a result, the single became the leader in the UK. The success of the young David Bowie was recognized by critics. This was the beginning of the era of glam rock.

A couple of years later, the musician moved to New York, created a new band and gave his first concert in 1972. The success was so great that David decided to tour all over the country. This is the beginning of his path to world fame. The band played the first concert at the Music Hall in Cleveland. Later there was created the Hall of Fame rock'n'roll .

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Since his turbulent youth, David Bowie was remembered by everyone not only as a talented musician, but also as a trendsetter. At each of his concerts, he appeared in a radically new way. This was another feature of the artist. Fans came not only to listen to music, but also to watch with interest the new attire of the idol. But fame is not given for nothing. In his youth, David Bowie for a long time was addicted to drugs, which greatly influenced his health. The musician, giving one of his interviews, jokingly said: "The fact that I had managed without drugs until 1974 was already a lot! Is not it?".