Candles Proctosan

Effective therapy for hemorrhoids, both internal and external, consists in anesthetizing, removing inflammation, eliminating itching and swelling of the nodes, stopping possible bleeding, and healing of damaged mucous membranes. Proctosan candles meet all these requirements. These rectal suppositories are suitable for treating any kind of inflammatory processes in the rectum, while being absolutely safe.

Composition of candles from hemorrhoids Proctosan

The local preparation is developed on the basis of a complex of 4 ingredients:

  1. Bufeksamak. The substance is a derivative of arylacetic acid, produces a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Titanium dioxide. The chemical compound provides rapid healing of damaged cells and tissue regeneration.
  3. Bismuth subhallate. The component has astringent, hemostatic and drying properties.
  4. Lidocaine. This drug refers to the anesthetic of the amide group, instantly anesthetizes and reduces the local temperature.

As an auxiliary ingredient, solid fat is used, which allows not only to give candles a convenient shape and to facilitate their storage, but also provides a comfortable introduction of suppositories into the anus.

When is the treatment of hemorrhoids treated with Proctosan suppositories?

Usually the agent under consideration is prescribed for such pathologies:

Correct application of candles Proctosan

In acute pain syndrome, it is recommended to administer 1 suppository 2 times a day, preferably after an act of defecation and subsequent washing with warm water and soap. After the symptoms subsided, you should continue using the medication for another 8-10 days to fix the result and prevent a relapse of the inflammatory process.

Contraindications to the treatment of hemorrhoids with Candlesticks Proctosan

The described suppositories can not be used in the following cases:

In addition, Proctozan suppositories are contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding. For the therapy of inflammation of hemorrhoids in future tissues, other, safer medicines based on natural ingredients ( sea ​​buckthorn oil , belladonna) are used.

Side effects and peculiarities of using candles Proctosan

As a rule, the use of these suppositories is well tolerated by patients without the appearance of negative consequences. In rare cases, one observes:

Some patients complain of dark feces after the introduction of Candlesticks. In this case, you need to immediately consult a proctologist for examination and consultation. Changing the color of feces to a darker shade may indicate internal bleeding in the lumen of the rectum, the presence of a crack or rupture of the hemorrhoidal node. The blood under the thermal action is rolled up, getting a dark brown or almost black color.