Death of Princess Diana

Despite the fact that the causes of the accident that took the life of one of the most famous and revered women of the 20th century were officially established by the staff of Scotland Yard, the death of Princess Diana carries in itself many questions and secrets that continue to disturb the minds and hearts of people and to this day.

How did the princess Diana die?

Princess Diana died in a car accident in Paris, along with a friend of Dodi al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul. Dodi al-Fayed and Henri Paul died instantly. The date of the death of Princess Diana occurred on August 31, 1997, 2 hours after the accident. The only survivor in the car accident was the personal bodyguard of Princess Diana Trevor Rice-Jones. He received very serious injuries and does not remember the circumstances of what happened. It is known that the car of Princess Diana flew into the 13th column of the tunnel, located under the Alma Bridge in Paris, under unclear circumstances at high speed. According to the investigation, the cause of the accident was recognized as driving under the influence of alcohol intoxicated by driver Henri Pohl, along with a significant excess of speed on the segment of the road where the accident occurred. Among other things, all the passengers of Mercedes were not fastened with seat belts, which significantly influenced the outcome of the accident. However, with detailed consideration, the event causes a number of ambiguous questions, which in turn, not finding answers, form other versions of the causes of the car accident .

Versions of the causes of the crash of the car of Princess Diana

To date, there are 3 main unofficial versions of the causes of the car crash, which resulted in the death of Princess Diana of Wales. One of them blames the incident on the paparazzi. According to the investigation, the car of the princess was pursued by several reporters on scooters. It is assumed that one of them, bypassing Mercedes for the sake of a successful frame, could prevent the car from colliding with the column. However, there are witnesses who claim that the paparazzi drove into the tunnel after Mercedes several seconds later, and therefore could not have caused the ill-fated accident.

There is another version of the causes of the disaster: a certain Fiat Uno car, which was in the tunnel before the Mercedes Princess Diana entered it. The basis for such assumptions is the discovery of the fragments of Fiat Uno near the broken Mercedes. The investigation made it possible to find out that Fiat Uno of white color left the tunnel a few seconds after the accident. At the wheel of the car was a man who watched with caution what was happening in the rearview mirror. Despite the fact that the police managed to find out not only the brand and color of the car, but also its numbers and even the year of release, it was not possible to find the car.

After a while, when all the new details of the car accident became known, other versions of what happened happened. One of them was the assumption that the British special services could blind the Mercedes driver by using special laser weapons capable of generating a very bright flash of light. It is by no means a secret that the royal family was against Princess Diana's relationship with Dodi al-Fayed.

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Anyway, the cause of the terrible car accident, which entailed the tragic death of Princess Diana, remains a mystery of the 20th century. Disputes about why the 36-year-old Princess Diana died, and to whom it was profitable, still do not subside as they do not find an answer. And is it worth talking about death now, when there is a huge number of reasons to say "thank you" to a great woman, whose short life, filled with kindness and love for people, gave her the right to be called the "People's Princess" Diana.