Shocking details of the life of Alexander McQueen became known to his fans

The most famous British fashion designer Alexander McQueen passed away at his own will, six and a half years ago. The details of the suicide note he left are not yet disclosed. But his biography "Alexander McQueen: Blood under the skin" is now available to the Russian reader.

The author of this book, journalist Andrew Wilson, scrupulously collected information about the "fashionable hooligan". He communicated with relatives and couturier's friends in order to find out what kind of person actually was, who during his lifetime was christened "an icon of style".

Born under the sign of trouble

It so happened that Lee Alexander was born in a more than modest family. His father was a professional driver, and Alexander himself was the sixth child of the family. Almost immediately after the birth of a baby his dad found himself in a psychiatric hospital because of a nervous breakdown.

Recalls Michael McQueen, brother of Alexander:

"Obviously, he understood that it was practically impossible to feed such a crowd! Father undertook any work, we did not see him for days. This provoked his insanity. "

The future art director of the house Givenchy was literally bewitched by the atmosphere of the madhouse, attracted him and the subject of death. The genius designer of clothes had a lot of complexes about his own appearance. Even in his early childhood, he suffered a jaw injury, which terribly embarrassed his whole life. In addition, he was plump, and it did not betray to Lee Alexander self-confidence.

Despite the fact that the fashion designer was an open gay, he had a warm friendship with Isabella Blow, who was his colleague and mentor in the fashion world. After the suicide of Isabella, Alexander suffered greatly and tried to contact her spirit. He believed in life after death and regularly resorted to the services of mediums, just to "talk" the dead girlfriend.

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After suffering less than three years, Alexander McQueen left after Isabella, who repeatedly said that the fashion kills her.