Died Mikhail Zadornov - 11 facts about his beloved satirist

On November 10, the famous Russian writer and satirist Mikhail Zadornov passed away. He died of brain cancer at the age of 69. The writer courageously struggled with the disease, but, unfortunately, could not defeat her ...

Mikhail Zadornov was a wonderful sparkling humorist, many of his jokes became truly "folk". And what else do we know about the famous satirist?

1. He showed his talents in his early childhood

Mikhail Zadornov was born in 1948 in Latvia to the family of the famous writer Nikolai Zadornov, the author of the novel "Amur-Father". According to the satirist, for the first time he appeared on the stage in the second grade in the school play "Repka" as a turnip.

"He was pulled out so elegantly that they shouted: Bees, Bravo, they say, pull him out again!"

2. Mikhail Zadornov's first profession is completely unrelated to humor.

He graduated from the Aviation Institute and worked as a design engineer for some time. Once, at the end of an explanatory note, he wrote "Kisses", and the chief, without even looking through the text, issued a resolution "I approve." It was after this incident that Mikhail decided to become a satirist writer.

3. Mikhail Zadornov played tennis very well.

Once he even became a partner of another famous amateur of this game - Boris Yeltsin.

4. On December 31, 1991, Mikhail Zadornov congratulated Russian TV viewers on the New Year.

This was due to the fact that Mikhail Gorbachev had already signed his abdication, and Boris Yeltsin had not yet felt confident enough in the role of the president.

5. In 2007, the satirist declared that he was stopping performances "for spiritual self-improvement."

He decided to find harmony, living in accordance with the laws of paganism. In addition, he supported the neo-pagan movement "Ringing Cedars of Russia". However, a few months before his death, Mikhail Zadornov adopted Orthodoxy.

6. Zadornov shared the idea that the Russian language is a proto-language, from which all other languages ​​have gone.

For example, he said that the word yoga originated in the name of the heroine of the Russian fairy tales of the woman Yaga. However, representatives of academic science did not take his research seriously.

7. After 50 years Zadornov became a vegetarian.

In an interview, he explained this:

"Meat in English means meat, me means" me ", eat -" is. " It turns out that there is meat - the same thing that there is ... "

8. He did not like to talk about his personal life.

It is known that he was married twice. With his first wife, Velta Kalnberzina met at school. The second wife of the satirist was Elena Bombina, performing at one of his concerts the duties of an administrator. In 1990, the couple had a daughter, who was also named Elena.

Mikhail Zadornov with his first wife

Mikhail Zadornov with his second wife and daughter

9. Mikhail Zadornov was able to try himself and actor's profession.

He starred in the comedy "I Want Your Husband", a script to which he wrote together with Sergei Nikonenko.

10. Mikhail Zadornov has his own microblogging in twitter, which is read by more than 3 million people.

Until the summer of 2017, the writer regularly made entries in his blog, mostly they were jokes:

"The most people love cannibals"
"If the subsistence level is lower in the country, then someone has a higher living wage"
"Our stage is run by a prima donna, empress, king ... Napoleon is missing for a complete madhouse"

11. In the universe, an asteroid flies, named after the satirist.

Open on September 19, 1974, the asteroid of the main belt was named after Mikhail Zadornov.

Colleagues still can not believe that he is no more ...

Vladimir Vinokur:

"No, I have not heard about this yet, but I do not believe it. And I do not want to believe. While I do not recognize myself »

Regina Dubovitskaya:

"For me, it's completely shoddy on the head, what can I tell you?"

Klara Novikova:

"We all understood that it was a difficult situation. But knowing the nature of Misha ... It seemed that he would still come up with something »

Maksim Galkin:

"I remember about eight years ago ... he told me:" when I die, you tell me something funny, funny "I, of course, will try with time. It's hard today "