Pulpitis in children

There are few people who calmly tolerate a visit to the dentist - most of the grown-ups are losing their legs when they see a drill and a chair. What can we say about the children. Well, if the situation is aggravated by acute pain too, then the stress is provided to the baby. Therefore, it is important not to bring the teeth to the point where they begin to get sick - to visit the doctor regularly for preventive examination in order to reveal the pulpitis in children in time.

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the pulp of the tooth, resulting from the progression of caries and tissue damage by pathogenic microflora. Most often pulpitis occurs in children, it is associated with the structure of the tissues of the teeth and the imperfection of the immune system.

Classification of pulpitis in children

  1. Chronic pulpitis - occurs with shallow caries. It becomes aggravated when the general defense of the organism is weakened, accompanied by aching pain, which is amplified by mechanical stress.
  2. Acute partial pulpitis - in children is rare, quickly turns into a common.
  3. Chronic fibrous pulpitis in children is a natural result of its acute form. It is accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes and general malaise.
  4. Hypertrophic pulpitis - proliferation of pulp tissue as a result of the destruction of the crown of the tooth.
  5. Gangrenous pulpitis - decomposition of pulp tissue as a result of interaction with microbes.

Treatment of pulpitis in children

Identify pulpitis in the early stages of development is difficult, because it is almost not accompanied by painful sensations. Therefore it is important to take the child to the dentist every 3-4 months. If a pulpal tissue lesion is detected, the doctor will determine how to treat the pulpitis in children. There are several options: