Increased white blood cells in the urine of a child

Leukocytes are cells that every person has in the body. They are a protective barrier and increase in number for different infections of an infectious or inflammatory nature. However, it is not worth worrying about before, because if a healthy child has leukocytes in the urine, then this may indicate a wrong collection of the biomaterial or that the baby, before defecating, for example, ate.

The norm of leukocytes in the urine of the baby

If the crumb is not sick, the analysis will show him less than 5 cells in the volume required for viewing in the laboratory under a microscope. Most girls have 3 units, and the boy has 2.

The conclusion that the child has a high content of leukocytes in the urine, is based on the results of microscopy of the biomaterial. Very often in ill boys this indicator varies within 5-6 units, and in girls - 7-8.

What diseases lead to an increase in the number of white blood cells?

As a rule, simply so the doctor does not assign a urine analysis to crumbs (except for physical examinations). This is preceded by a series of symptoms indicating a child's malaise. The reasons for the increased leukocytes in a child in the urine can be such diseases as:

In addition to the above, in an infant, elevated white blood cells in urine can cause diaper rash. It is diaper dermatitis very often observed in infants with an increased number of leukocytes, recommending him to fight drugs based on dexpanthenol or zinc oxide. All other diseases listed on the list are treated under the supervision of a doctor.

The results of urinalysis may be unreliable

If a bad boy has poor urine test results, then, very often, the doctor prescribes a second examination. And this is due to the fact that the results can be influenced by a large number of factors, ranging from a strong physical load on the eve of analysis and ending with non-sterile capacity. That's why, if the child has leukocytes in the urine, parents are warned that it is necessary to follow clear rules: the crumb before the fence of the biomaterial must be washed away, wiped with a clean towel and collect the stool in a sterile container. In addition, urinalysis with elevated white blood cells may be in the child when he collected its insufficient quantity or biomaterial was not delivered to the laboratory in a short time. The minimum volume required for the study is 30 ml, and the time that is allocated to transfer the container to the laboratory assistant can not exceed an hour and a half.

In conclusion, I would like to note that an increase in white blood cells in the urine, if there are no complaints about health, most likely indicates an incorrect collection of biomaterial. Do not be frightened and urgently run to the pharmacy for antibiotics, retake the analysis again to refute or confirm the results. And remember that an ailment that can cause an increase in white blood cells in the urine, should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor.