Sweat your hands

The problem of sweaty hands is faced both by men and women. In a modern society, where the handshake is considered to be traditional, sweat on the hands causes a lot of inconvenience. This is especially felt by office staff. When palms sweat, a person tries to avoid a handshake, and this, in turn, does not always characterize the employee well.

Why do your palms sweat so much?

First of all, every person who believes that his hands are sweating strongly, we should remember that sweating is an important function of our body. With the help of sweat cooling of the body takes place and in every person this process is individual. Therefore, if you sweat heavily your hands and feet should not be immediately alarmed. If you began to worry about this phenomenon, think about the fact that, perhaps, it is caused by natural, natural factors. The main reasons for which sweat palms, hands and feet:

If the palms sweat daily and the problem becomes acute, then you should make an appointment with a specialist. Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. Identify this disease can be in a medical institution. Diagnosis of hyperhidrosis is performed using a special procedure - a sample of Minor. On the dry skin, the specialist applies iodine, and after the iodine has dried - the starch powder. As a result of this procedure, the sweat is colored in a dark purple color, and the specialist can determine its excessive secretion. If the area of ​​a dark spot on the skin is less than 10 cm, it is a weak form of hyperhidrosis, if up to 20 cm - a moderate form, more than 20 cm - a heavy form.

When it is impossible to determine by yourself why the hands and feet sweat heavily, you should consult your doctor to diagnose this disease.

What to do when the palms sweat?

To date, there are many ways to get rid of perspiration on the palms, hands and feet. Such means include: a variety of deodorants, solutions, procedures. From excessive sweating of the feet, you can get rid of special insoles and refreshing medications.

Nevertheless, most modern means struggle with the sweat itself, and not with its causes. With a moderate and severe form of hyperhidrosis, many drugs are powerless. In this case, only a specialist can solve the problem. To get rid of sweat on the hands and feet will require intensive funds, which are selected individually for each person. Modern pharmacological companies are developing a variety of drugs that are intensely struggling with excessive perspiration. In pharmacies, you can buy deodorants specifically for the palms, hands and feet. And some clinics offer a comprehensive treatment of hyperhidrosis, which includes in itself reception of medicines and various specific procedures. An important rule for the successful fight against a strong sweat allocation is the observance of daily hygiene procedures.

Why do the child's hands sweat?

In children, unlike adults, this problem can be caused by other causes: thyroid disease, impaired heat exchange, rickets, worms.

What to do if the child's hands are sweating?

If a child under the age of one year sweats his palms, but with a good appetite and looks healthy he does not need to worry. If the palms, hands or feet sweat strongly in an older child, you should see a doctor. Sweat on the hands can be a symptom of serious diseases, the success of treatment which depends on early diagnosis.