Biscuit cake - recipe

Biscuit cake is an undeniable classic among a huge assortment of all sorts of desserts. Prepare it at the same time and simple and difficult, as the set of products for biscuit cakes used the most minimal, but you can get a magnificent and lasting result only with the confident freshness of the products and the correct technology for their processing.

A cream for a biscuit cake can be any cream, both in its pure form, and supplemented with berries or fruits. And if you do not have enough time to bake a biscuit, you can use ready-made cakes.

Biscuit cake with curd cream and fruit


For cream:

For glaze:


In a perfectly clean and dry deep bowl, we place the proteins separated from the yolks, pour in the sugar and break the mixture until a thick and thick foam (sharp peaks) is obtained. Further, while continuing to whisk, we alternately introduce yolks and lemon zest. Wheat flour is sieved through a sieve and poured into the whipped mass in portions, each time mixing it gently with movements from the bottom up.

The bottom of the demountable form with a diameter of 24 centimeters is smeared with oil and poured into it dough. Determine the form with the test in a preheated to 185 degrees oven, covering it with a foil on top, and stand for thirty minutes. Ten minutes before the end of the baking process, we remove the foil.

Finished biscuit is allowed to cool completely and lie under the towel for several hours, and then cut it into two cakes.

To prepare the cream, soak the gelatin in water and leave it for ten minutes. Soft curd or curd cheese mix with sugar powder and cream and thoroughly break up the splendor and airiness with a blender. Gelatin is heated on fire, stirring, gradually enter into the curd mixture and stir until homogeneous. At this stage, add crushed canned pineapples or peaches. In fact, you can use absolutely any fruit and berries, both fresh and canned.

The lower biscuit cake is placed in a ring of split form and soaked with syrup from pineapples or peaches and distribute the curd filler with fruits. Top with a second cake and place the cake in the fridge.

After full hardening, fill the cake with chocolate glaze. For its preparation, melt the chocolate bar with a small amount of cream on a low heat on the stove.

You can also decorate the top of the cake at your own discretion.

A simple recipe for a biscuit cake made from ready-made sponge cakes with sour cream



Bananas and kiwis are cleaned and shredded in circles. Sour cream is mixed with condensed milk and breaks the mixture with a mixer or blender until fluffy and airy.

On the dish we put one cake, cover it with cream and spread one third of the fruit slices. Cover the top with a second cake, which in turn is covered with sour cream and fruit. Now the turn of the third cake. Only this time fruit will be the first, and then a layer of cream. We decorate the cake to taste, using pieces of fruit, berries, grated chocolate and crushed nuts.