Dracaena - signs and superstitions

Indoor plants are used not only as an interior decor, but also for purifying the air, saturating it with oxygen. With both of these tasks the Dracaena is doing very well, or as it is also called "bamboo of happiness" or "dragon tree". However, there are many signs and superstitions associated with the appearance of the dracaena in the house.

Legend of the origin of the dracaena

If there are two legends concerning the appearance of this plant. According to one of them, the flower grew out of a simple staff stuck in the ground, owned by a stout young man, who loved the priest's daughter and came to his father to ask for her hand. The High Priest was angry and agreed to give his daughter in marriage only if the staff grows. The gods have mercy on the young man and so appeared dracaena . According to another legend, the battle of the evil dragon and the huge elephant resulted in bloodshed, as a result of which numerous plants called dracaena grew from blood soaked ground.

The signs concerning the dracaena in the house

It is proved that this plant is able to purify the air in the house of harmful impurities, microbes and viruses, and it also acts as a kind of "peacemaker", extinguishing negative energy and helping to restore peace to the family. Those who have been presented with a dracenna as a gift will be lucky in love. Most of the plant's properties are due to the connection of the energy of the Sun and Mercury: its calm nature extends to the residents. As a result, serenity and order are established in the house, the energy of thoughts, words and feelings is channeled into a positive direction.

If you want to know what Drazena blossoms by the signs, and it happens very rarely, then we can say that you will be lucky in the near future: the career will dramatically go uphill, get lucky in gambling, etc. But if the Dracaena perishes, then by the signs it promises the imminent death of one of the spouses. And if the plant "cries" with scarlet juice, then this death will be violent. If you still doubt whether it is possible to keep the Dracaena at home, then it is recommended that it be done to people who are doubting and unsure of themselves. The flower will enhance self-esteem and responsibility.

Dracaena symbolizes youth and flexibility , so it can benefit people who are keen on sports. Those who want to achieve success in the professional field, also it is worth to look more closely at this plant. And being in the house of a single man or an unmarried woman, it will attract the other half.