Why do many children dream?

It is believed that dreams involving children - one of the most common. However, it is wrong to say unequivocally that they always portend something good. Everything depends on the details and the general plot of sleep. For example, to understand what many children dream about, you can only remember how old the children were, how they behaved, what happened to them, etc.

What many children dream about - a common interpretation

The best thing is a dream about happy smiling kids. This means that in your life there will come a long period of prosperity and prosperity. And maybe you will even be added to the family . The main thing is that in the group of children there are no crying or sick children. This may portend the illness of your own child, however, not necessarily serious. Therefore it makes sense once again to show it to the therapist. Either such a dream indicates the appearance of obstacles that you will soon have to overcome. Seeing in a dream a lot of children who stretch out their arms to you, means rapprochement with relatives or colleagues. Soon they will start looking for your society, offering help. And still quite possible new pleasant acquaintances.

Why dream of many children of different ages?

If you are involved in a child's game in a dream, in which children of different ages take part, then you should expect good luck in all your endeavors. To dream of many young children is a good omen, which promises to receive unexpected profits. If it's babies or newborns - getting somehow news, most likely, favorable. Those who saw a lot of teenage children in their sleep should be expected to receive assistance. If in a dream they learn or are engaged in some useful work, then soon you will be able to get rid of the problem that is tormenting you and achieve some personal goal .