How to wash your head with an egg?

Organic and natural cosmetics are much better than any professional products, because they do not contain preservatives, dyes, or impurities. Therefore, recently people are looking for old recipes, for example, how to wash their heads with eggs, because everyone remembers the beauty and unimaginable length of the braid of Russian beauties.

Can I wash my head with an egg - good or bad?

Chicken egg - a product very rich in valuable substances, because in nature it is intended for the development of chicken. Consequently, it contains all the necessary and important components for the whole living organism.

Biochemical studies show that the egg contains:

Therefore, it is certainly very useful to use the product in question, not only for preparing tasty dishes and for eating, but also for cosmetic purposes.

It is important to note that the egg is universal because it is suitable for washing both dry and oily hair , normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands, permanently eliminating dandruff and irritation. Moreover, it is so nutritious that it replaces shampoo, balm and mask at the same time.

How to wash your head with an egg?

There are several recipes for using the product. Consider first one of the simplest:

  1. In a raw egg, pierce a small hole and drain the protein. It will not be needed for washing your head, because it quickly turns off in hot water and is not too valuable in composition.
  2. Release the yolk from the film covering it. The easiest way to do this is by placing this part of the egg under running warm water (the head is small). After a couple of minutes, the film on the yolk will become whiter and firmer, it can be pierced and the pure product can be drained.
  3. Add half a glass of water to the egg (if you use more yolks, then proportionally increase the amount of liquid).
  4. Mix the mixture well until the foam appears.
  5. Apply the resulting shampoo to damp hair and massage with a fingertip.
  6. Leave weight on the head for 10-20 minutes.
  7. Rinse hair thoroughly under warm (not hot) water, combing it with your fingers.

Washing the egg with the egg does not require the subsequent application of nutritional balms or masks, because one procedure provides a thorough cleansing of the hair, moisturizing them, saturates the strands with vitamins.

How to wash the head with eggs and healthy supplements?

When your hair gets used to this kind of cleansing, you can diversify your home shampoo with various natural ingredients.

Egg-oil mixture:

  1. Strongly foaming baby soap without additives and separate the foam.
  2. Add in it a raw yolk, a teaspoon of cosmetic castor oil and quickly beat.
  3. Apply to slightly damp hair, massage.
  4. After 10-30 minutes, rinse your head well.

Egg shampoo with yogurt:

  1. Mix the yolk with 2 tablespoons of fermented milk product.
  2. Beat until foam forms.
  3. Apply to strands and after 15 minutes, wash hair well.

Blend with cognac:

  1. Egg raw yolk mix with 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice and the same amount of cognac.
  2. Apply on the scalp, massage at the roots and spread over the hair.
  3. Thoroughly rinse the strands after 20 minutes.

Homemade shampoo with honey:

  1. In the same proportion, grind the yolks and natural liquid honey.
  2. Evenly apply a little wet hair, massage the scalp and tips, especially if they split.
  3. After 5 minutes, rinse the mixture. Owners of light hair can leave the shampoo on the hair for 10-20 minutes.

As the reviews of women show, the above recipes cope with cleansing and hair nutrition is much more effective than expensive cosmetics.