Family Tree

The genealogical tree of the family (or simply the tree of the family) is a kind of scheme resembling a tree in form. The branches and leaves of this tree are depicted members of a particular family clan. Today, very many are interested in how you can make up the tree of your family. Read the following - we are confident that our advice will help you.

So, where to start?

Talk to your elderly relatives. Ask them to tell you what exactly and what your ancestors they remember. Do not postpone these conversations until later: it may happen that by the time you decide to make up the family tree of your family, none of them will be alive.

During the conversation try to find out about each of the relatives the facts that can help in archival searches. Names, surnames, patronymics, at least approximate date and place of birth, date of death - for the compilation of the family tree such information is paramount.

As for the female line of your ancestors - try to find out the maiden name of each relative. Ask if any of your relatives moved to other cities or countries, and if so, for what reason did he do it? This information will tell archival workers where to look for references to a specific person.

Then make a detailed list of all those who are related to the family tree of your family. Write down not only their names, patronymics, surnames, dates of birth and death, but also their profession. Mark the towns in which they lived.

Having on hand a detailed list of your ancestors, you can turn to the help of archives - without them you can not do when composing the family tree of your family. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of the archive, find out before what territory of the uyezd (or province) were the cities and villages in which your relatives lived in the past. Today, this information can be obtained in just a few minutes via the Internet. Many settlements were renamed, not just once, but this must also be borne in mind.

When composing the genealogical tree of your family, start your archival searches from her last place of residence, and move in the opposite direction: from later generations to earlier ones. Search for the information you need in the archival rooms you can independently - and for free. However, if, according to your request, the pedigree tree of your family will be occupied by archival workers, this service will have to be paid.

Studying the tree of your family, you can hardly do without documents and censuses of the Orthodox Church. Keep in mind that she kept records not only about her parishioners, but also about people of other faiths. Find out to what arrival the community of your relatives was attached.

In the parish metrics, not only the birth or death dates of a person were recorded. There you will also find information about which estate he belonged to, when he married, what account for him was this marriage. As a rule, the names of witnesses were also indicated in the wedding notes. This means that by studying the tree of your family, you will receive additional information about what was the circle of her communication.

Studying the genealogical tree of your family, do not neglect any source of information. In your search you can help the archival documentation of the school, gymnasium or parochial school, in which your ancestor studied.

Lists of households and reports of tax inspectors, lists of workers of various guilds, even reports on court cases - information about the family tree of your family you can find in the most unexpected places. However, be prepared for the fact that for the study of the family tree you may need not just weeks or months, but perhaps even years of scrupulous study and search. Nevertheless, the memory of your family is worth it!

Cobrow enough information and information about your ancestors, you can ask the following question - how to draw a genealogical tree of your family?

The genealogical tree of the family can be descending or ascending. In the descending tree of the family, its root is depicted the ancestor of the whole family. Branches are the families of subsequent generations, and leaves - members of these families.

The descending tree of the family can be depicted as inverted, that is, to place the ancestor on top, in the tree crown, and all descendants - below. This type of genealogical family tree was distributed before the revolution.

In the ascending tree of the family, you are the trunk of a tree. The branches that branch off the trunk are your parents. Then - grandfathers and grandmothers, after them - great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. In other words, the information is sent along the ascending line.

However, today almost no one draws the family tree of the family by hand. We list examples of several common programs that will give you the opportunity not only to compose a common tree of the family, but also an individual section for each of its members: Genealogical Tree of Family, Tree of Life, Family Tree Builder, GenoPro.

We wish you fascinating searches and pleasant, unexpected finds!