The Sacrament of Marriage

Marriage is a mystery, and at the same time enlightenment. It is the improvement of personality. The sacrament of marriage helps to find a new sense of life for a person, a new vision of his life. With the help of marriage, the spouses get to know each other better. This life and knowledge gives a sense of satisfaction and complete completeness, through which we feel spiritually richer and become wiser.

The sacrament of marriage is a wedding, during which the priest and the bridegroom are bound by vows of mutual adultery.

Marriage is the mystery of love. Because the binding and creative power of a true marriage is love. It is difficult to explain this feeling. Only when a person loves, does he understand what is this, what is the mystery of love. He feels it with his whole soul, with all his heart. Love begins when you begin to see the soul of your lover. No wonder Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh wrote that this feeling is more than just a feeling, it is "the state of the whole being." The sacrament of love for man comes at a moment when you look at it, not wanting to possess or dominate it. You do not have a desire to use it in any way. You just have to admire the physical and spiritual beauty of your chosen one.

True love must have a strong foundation for it to withstand strong winds of trials and to grow more than one generation of grandchildren. So the mystery of marriage is one of the constituent parts of this strong foundation.

Marriage, like love itself, is not given easily, it is always necessary to overcome the difficulties that have arisen, but it is easier to do it only together. For example, the church refers to marriage as a school of love, as a feat, rather than an alliance of psychologically compatible people.

And it is necessary to remember both the spouses and those who are just preparing to start a new period in their life, we must not forget that if you decide to connect your soul with a person, then this school you must go through.