How to tell a guy that we're breaking up?

Until recently everything was beautiful and romantic, it seemed that it would always be so, and today it is already difficult to hide disappointment and indifference to the once beloved young man. And maybe there was no love, but only the appearance with which it was time to finish. How to tell a guy what we're breaking up is in this article.

A spirit of confidence and determination

Of course, it's hard to tell people in this way that everything is over, especially knowing that he is not ready for it. Those who are interested in how to tell a guy what to leave, do not hide your head like an ostrich in the sand and throw a suicidal phrase on the run, much less unsubscribe by SMS or messages on the social network - it's low, looks childish and in in the end, simply unworthy, because a person who has given a lot of pleasant minutes has the right even to say "forgive". But do not make him suffer even harder, starting to list all his shortcomings such as pimples on his face and an unforgivable love for his own mother.

Of course those who still hope to save the relationship can first clarify for themselves all the incomprehensible moments and, if the two sides want to find a compromise that would suit everyone, but if the decision is taken finally and can not be appealed, it's useless. Asking how it's nice to tell a guy that we're parting should take care of the partner's feelings and say something like: "I need to be alone" or "You're a good guy, friend, but I see that as a man you do not fit me, but be sure there is one that will appreciate all your dignity. "

How to correctly tell a guy that we are parting?

Again, having made a firm decision, it is necessary to suppress the desire to spend the last day alone, and even worse - the night of love. It may happen that the partner will try to persuade everyone to start everything from scratch with all the truths and crooks. The idea to remain friends is also not a good option, because it is chosen only by partners, tearing the relationship by mutual consent, and if there is an offended side, then it will be very difficult to maintain the appearance of friendship , and why the friendship of one who has become disgusted, disappointed, and indeed just tired.

Therefore, wishing to know how it is better to tell the guy that we are parting, it is recommended to do it face to face, in a suitable setting, where nothing would interfere and distract, and after a short conversation immediately leave to never see again. In the future, to spare his feelings and not tell his friends that you left him, the ideal solution is just to keep silent.