How to choose a tourist backpack?

That's another school year came to an end. The last bell rang in schools, and practical tests and exams are in full swing in the institutes. Soon, very soon, there will be free days, and where they are best spent, as not in nature , drinking with the hot rays of the summer sun. But to anyone, even the most intimate hike should be thoroughly prepared. Therefore, the question of how to choose a good and relatively inexpensive tourist backpack is not on the last place in the list. After all, the quality of active rest and the degree of tourist sentiment depend on how much it really is yours. It is decided, we discuss the choice of a backpack, and from all sides.

How to choose a tourist backpack?

So, first of all, any tourist backpack, at least female , though childish, although a man should be convenient on all sides. This means that even with a full load, it does not pull you back, nor sideways, does not rub your shoulders and does not wrinkle your back. And for visual sensations, you and your backpack are a single whole. When buying, do not be shy, as you should try it on in front of a mirror, not empty, but with some bulk item inside.

The next item is weight and volume. The volume of the backpack should be large, 50-60 liters for adolescents and 70-120 liters for adults.

But by weight - light, not more than 1.5 kg for children, and not more than 2-2.5 kg adult. Also in the issue of how to choose a tourist backpack, it is important to take into account the quality of the material and accessories. Buy backpacks only tested brands, check the strength of the fabric, the reliability of all seams and fasteners. Pay attention to the presence of an adjustable suspension of the back belts, do not forget to check for reinforcement all the carrying places of the backpack.

And, finally, both women's and children's, and, especially, men's backpack should be well equipped. That is, from the front and side sides on it there are pockets, hooks, grids and clamps for all occasions. The best is the tourist backpack, which allows you to take with you everything you need and at the same time does not burden your master. And yet, do not pursue cheapness, cheap tourist backpacks will not last long. Better choose two models, the most budget and the most expensive, and then find the golden mean between them.

That's exhausted the question of how to choose a tourist backpack. Successful shopping and good rest.