Icelandic sweater

An Icelandic sweater, or a shovel, made of sheep's wool, is a characteristic element of folk dress. Meanwhile, today this model is very popular among residents of different countries and cities. To learn it is not at all difficult - the lopapeis possesses a number of features that distinguish it from other types of sweaters.

Features of an Icelandic wool sweater

The main characteristic of this sweater is yarn, from which it knits. Its composition should not contain absolutely any impurities, just selective wool of sheep from Iceland. It is thanks to this that the Icelandic sweater is an incredibly warm wardrobe object that can protect its owner even from the worst cold.

The sleeves of sweaters made from Icelandic wool are rather short, which can be explained by the low growth of Icelanders. Meanwhile, this is not always noticeable. On a man with short arms, a shovel can sit perfectly normal, whereas long-haired people in this sweater feel uncomfortable.

A traditional Icelandic sweater is made without a bulky collar or buckles. Today, this thing can be decorated with original buttons, laces, zippers and other elements, and also have a cozy hood. Finally, on the coquette of the Icelandic sweater, a characteristic pattern must be reflected, which distinguishes it from all other models.

How to tie an Icelandic sweater?

The mating of sweaters from Icelandic yarn is an interesting and fascinating activity that many needlewomen like. Meanwhile, to create such a thing requires a lot of experience, and for beginners knitters it does not fit. If you have enough skills, try linking the blades with your own hands, taking into account the following recommendations:

Although this little thing today can have absolutely any cut and coloring, the most stylish is a white Icelandic sweater with an ornament of black and gray yarn.