Megaloblastic anemia

Megaloblastic anemia develops from a lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid, which actively participate in the synthesis of red blood cells in the body, and at the physiological level manifests itself in a change in shape and increase in the size of red blood cells.

Causes of megaloblastic anemia

The causes of the deficiency of these vitamins are:

Symptoms of megaloblastic anemia

At the initial stages, megaloblastic anemia is detected only when blood tests are performed. With the development of the disease, there are noticeable changes in organs and tissues:

  1. Oxygen starvation, because of what the patient feels weak, discomfort in the body. There are dizziness, headaches, puffiness and shortness of breath .
  2. Yellowish shade of skin.
  3. Inflammation of the tongue (glossitis) and cracks in the corners of the lips (angular stomatitis).
  4. Indigestion.
  5. Numbness of the extremities, increased irritability, changes in movements resulting from damage to the nervous system.
  6. At laboratory research in a blood there are the changed erythrocytes, and at a capture of a puncture from an osteal brain - pathologically large foreign cells. A biochemical blood test will necessarily show a high level of bilirubin and lactate dehydrogenase.

Treatment of megaloblastic anemia

The main goal of therapy of megaloblastic anemia for the doctor and patient is the elimination of the root cause of the disease:

1. If the development of anemia is provoked by gastrointestinal diseases, then the treatment of this health disorder is primarily carried out.

2. Hereditary enzyme deficiency requires replacement therapy.

3. If anemia occurs due to taking certain medicines, it is recommended to cancel their use or, in as a last resort, reduce the dose of the medicine.

4. Deficiency in the diet of vitamin B12 and folic acid should be eliminated, including products such as:

5. It is shown the mandatory intake of vitamin complexes with vitamin B12 and folic acid content.