Amenorrhea - treatment

Amenorrhea is the complete absence of menstrual discharge in a girl over 15 years of age. At the same time, the absence of a monthly period is six months or more. Amenorrhea can be of two types:

  1. Physiological: the absence of menstruation until the onset of puberty, during pregnancy, if a woman has a menopause.
  2. Pathological: has several types of classifications:

Primary amenorrhea: treatment

The cause of primary amenorrhea may be the presence of tumor formation in the cerebral cortex, as well as inflammatory processes (meningoencephalitis, arachnoiditis).

In most cases, the primary type of amenorrhea occurs in the girl as a result of intrauterine infection (toxoplasmosis) or transferred infectious diseases in childhood and adolescence.

Amenorrhea can act as a psychosomatic symptom as a result of prolonged emotional stress, stressful situations, severe fear.

Treatment of primary amenorrhea is carried out in a complex way:

In the absence of a therapeutic effect, the doctor may additionally prescribe hormonal drugs (folliculin). The full course of treatment is three months with interruptions of two weeks.

How to treat secondary amenorrhea?

Secondary amenorrhea may occur due to the presence of signs of anorexia nervosa in the girl. In this case, the most effective therapies are therapies and well-organized nutrition (often through a catheter). In the absence of positive dynamics, the doctor prescribes hormonal therapy.

As a secondary sign, amenorrhea can develop after delivery characterized by bleeding in the postpartum period. In nulliparous women can occur as a result of excessive intake of hormonal contraceptives, sedatives, strong antidepressants.

The course of treatment is at least a month, while it is necessary to carefully choose with medications with amenorrhea and dosage (parlodel, gonadotropin, clomiphene citrate) together with your doctor.

Often one can observe the absence of a menstrual cycle in an absolutely healthy woman planning a child. Active planning interferes with the work of the hormones of the hypothalamus and such a fixation on pregnancy postpones the moment of onset of conception for an indefinite period. Effective in working with such women is psychotherapy, the appointment of sedatives and antispasmodics. Often with amenorrhea, a doctor can prescribe vitamins to boost immunity.

Treatment of amenorrhea with herbs

Before using medicinal herbs in amenorrhea, it is necessary to conduct a pregnancy test to determine the appropriateness of using infusions and decoctions. The highest efficiency has a decoction of parsley green, settled in a thermos for at least 10 hours.

Is it possible to cure amenorrhea?

Most of the treatment for amenorrhea is accompanied by the appointment of a course of hormonal drugs that can replace the lack of necessary hormones and work the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and normalize the production of hormones by the ovaries. With properly selected treatment, it is possible to get rid of secondary amenorrhea, but the primary form requires more careful correction by the doctor, whose prognosis may be different.