Massive floor board

The wooden floor in the house is perhaps the most cozy and refined. In our modern world, oversaturated with everything synthetic and artificial, so want to have a natural, natural islet. As you can see from the name itself, a massive floor board is made of a solid solid wood without any gluing. From the parquet it differs only in size.

How to choose a massive floor board?

There are several parameters for choosing a massive parquet floorboard: for the species and density of wood, the size of the board.

A lot depends on the species of wood, and not only the color of the floor covering, but also the hardness of the floor, its resistance to changes in temperature, humidity and so on. You do not need to chase exoticism and buy a board of wood of unfamiliar wood. It is not known how she will behave in our climatic conditions.

But the oak massive floor board or larch board is checked by time and experience. They proved themselves to be the best in our climate.

Oak refers to hard rocks, the board of its wood is highly resistant to mechanical influences, serves centuries, without losing its strength and attractive appearance.

The floor board of larch in appearance does not differ much from pine, but at the same time it has the same strength as the oak. In addition, Siberian larch wood has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. With this board you can equip even outdoor areas - verandas, balconies, terraces.

Another important aspect is the density of wood. Depending on the patency of the room, you need to determine the necessary strength of the board. Soft breeds can be used only in rooms with minimal traffic.

Also important is the size of the board: its thickness, width, length. Depending on these parameters, you will get one or another visual effect, in addition, it will affect the lifetime of the floor covering.