Begovel for children from 2 years old - everything parents need to know about before buying

Balance-bikes (ran-bikes, cyclo-balans) have gained worldwide popularity, so modern parents are eager to buy such transport for their children. There are a huge number of brands and models of runners, among which it is difficult to choose the right option. Before acquiring it is important to get acquainted with all the characteristics of the product and make sure of its quality.

Why do we need a runaway?

Ran-bike is a standard two-wheeled bicycle, devoid of pedals. Moving on it is very easy: to accelerate, fingering the feet on the surface, then raise your legs and just go. Runovel for children is not only transport, but fun. Kids like to keep balance, feel the speed and arrange with each other the race.

Begovel - harm or benefit?

Some parents are skeptical about balance-bikes, preferring 3-wheeled bicycles . Pediatricians are more loyal to such vehicles. In the opinion of specialists, a runaway for children from 2 years is a useful device that ensures correct physical development. Ran-bike helps to strengthen all muscle groups in the baby's body and teaches you to keep balance. Other reasons to buy a nonsense bevel for children from 2 years old or slightly older:

Types of Runaways

There are many forms and types of bike balancers, including transforming models 2-3 to 1. The most successful are classic runovels for children from 2 years old, looking like a 2-wheeled bicycle without pedals. Most manufacturers equip such vehicles with a convenient adjustable seat. You can regularly change its level, adjusting to a growing baby.

Running motorcycle for children from 2 years old

Massive and predominantly plastic designs with large wheels attract low cost and maximum stability. Ran-bike in the form of a motorcycle is a very easy runaway for children from 2 years old, it is instantly mastered by a toddler. Thanks to wide wheels with good grip the transport will not allow the child to fall and be injured. Suitable for children under 2 years old or younger. Often it is purchased by one-year-olds to teach balance and balancing.

Scooter-runovel for children from 2 years old

The described wound-bike is included in the group of transformers. For a few simple actions (unfolding, removing or moving the saddle), it is modified into a scooter . Some runovels for children from 2 and 3 years are additionally equipped with pedals and brakes (separately). If desired, they can be attached to the bottom of the frame to get a full 2-wheel bike.

How to choose a baby running for 2 years?

Important evaluation characteristics of balance-bikes are:

The best runovels for children from 2-2.5 years are distinguished by their durability and resistance to breakage, deformation and other theoretical integrity damage. The saddle in good ranks is necessarily regulated in height, so that the baby is comfortable and he freely gets straight feet to the ground. It is important to study such trifles as the flu (soft pads on the handlebar), the density of the tires and the overall weight of the structure.

Wooden Begovel

In Europe and the United States in the fashion of environmentally friendly toys made of natural materials. There are balance-bikes made of wood, but these are not the best runaways for children from 2 years old. They are fragile and are characterized by poor depreciation. On a forest path, a block or an uneven road with potholes, such a wound-bike will tremble tremendously, delivering discomfort and pain to the child. Wooden bevel for children from 2 years is advisable to buy, if the crumb will ride exclusively on flat asphalt. Otherwise, it will last no longer than one season.

Plastic Begovel

This variant of the vehicle is recommended only to the smallest riders who hardly know how to walk. Plastic running for children from 2 years old is an unsuccessful choice. A growing child with developed coordination of movements will try to overclock the cyclo-balance, because of which the wound-bike can break. This is too light a run for children from 2-3 years old, its plastic wheels wear out quickly and wear out, especially on the asphalt surface. Such balance-bikes are subject to mechanical damages, the body is cracked by the slightest shaking.

Metal Begovel

The optimal kind of ran-bikes is made in the form of a bicycle without a pedal system . A metal two- or three-wheeled runovel for children from 2 years with a mechanically adjustable seat height will serve the child for several seasons, adjusting to its growth. The balance frame-bikes of this type are made of 100% aluminum. This provides a small weight of transport (about 3 kg) along with its strength. Often a metal runaway for children from 2 years is equipped with shock absorbers, which soften impacts on a rough road. Some models are even equipped with a hand brake.

Rating of runners for children from 2 years

Everywhere you can buy a cheap rant-bike from a little-known manufacturer, but in the future there will be problems with repair or replacement of goods, purchase of component parts. Farsighted parents learn in advance the rating of runners for children from 2-3 years to choose the most qualitative and long-lasting cyclo-balance. Recommended transport brands:

Begove - dimensions

It is important to pick up a baby wound-bike, ideally suited to its growth and physique. In specialized stores there is even an instruction on how to choose a baby run for 2-3 years:

  1. Measure the length of the crumb leg along the inner vertical seam (from the inguinal area to the foot) in the standing position.
  2. Compare the figure obtained with the height of the saddle runner. If it is regulated, the minimum value is taken into account.
  3. When the length of the baby's leg is more than the seat height by 1-5 cm, you can buy a balance-bike. Otherwise, you need to find a model lower.

An additional indicator required for the purchase of a vehicle is the carrying capacity. Begovel for children from 1.5-2 years old must withstand weight exceeding the current weight of the body. The child grows fast, and a strong and steady run-bike will last several years, especially if the seat height and the steering column can be arbitrarily adjusted in height.

It is advisable to ask how much the runaway itself weighs. If the crumb gets tired of skating or it gets tired, carry the transport in the hands of the parents. Walking with heavy construction is burdensome, so it's better to purchase an easy cyclo-balance. Run-bikes weighing up to 3 kg baby can carry and independently, crossing the road or overcoming various obstacles (curbs, hummocks).

How to teach a child to ride a runo?

A crumb does not immediately make friends with the new transport, he will need the support of his parents. Help to master a run for a two-year-old child can be done in a few simple steps:

  1. To walk with a balance-bike between the legs. This is done mainly at home, so that the child is accustomed to transport, picked up a comfortable grip for himself. At this stage, you need to carefully adjust the height of the saddle and the steering rack for the growth of crumbs.
  2. Sitting on the runovel, fingering. The child is not yet accelerating, he only mastered the mechanics of the movement of the wound-bike, begins to feel his turning and maneuverability.
  3. Set speed and balancing. When a crumb already knows how to press his legs after dispersal and keep his balance, his parents only need to monitor his safety. Some children even perform tricks - sharp turns, a rack on the rear wheel ("horse"), throwing the feet on the steering wheel and others.

To protect the child from injuries, it is important to buy protection in parallel with the runovel:

  1. Helmet . A must-have attribute of a small rider, because falls from a balance-bike, collisions with other riders and "crashes" are not ruled out.
  2. Knee pads and elbow pads. They are rarely purchased, but can protect the crumb from the scratched skin and wounds.
  3. Shoe pads. Not all rani-bikes are equipped with a manual brake, the kids stop and slow down their transport mainly with their feet. To protect your fingers and feet from damage and additionally keep your shoes intact, you invented plastic half-pens with an elastic band. They do not interfere during skiing and help to effectively brake.