Black Envy

The feeling, which poisons a person from within, experienced at least once in the life of almost every one of us. The phenomenon of black envy is known since ancient times. It is closely connected with a sense of inequality and injustice, which, by the way, have always occupied and occupy leading positions in any society. In most cases, envy the social position, the poor - rich. It is not excluded the option of envy in relation to certain abilities, talents, skills, etc.

Is female envy a myth or a reality?

It's too long to argue, but all women are predators of their own nature who, for their own interests and priorities, are ready to rip the rival to small pieces. And this shows that each of us can face the envy of a friend, the one with whom he shares his experiences and the most intimate secrets.

If we consider the phenomenon of envy of the fair sex in terms of psychology, it is worth noting that this bad feeling can generate one or more of the following factors:

How to recognize the envy of the body language?

Everyone is aware of the existence of nonverbalism. In other words, it is the language of our body, how we stand, how we hold hands, what facial expressions now prevail on our face - all this indicates that we are trying to hide something from the interlocutor, moreover, even from ourselves. Badilengvij is the voice of the subconscious.

  1. Smile . "I'm so happy for you!" - says a friend in response to the news that you have a new car. It seems to you that the interlocutor completely shares your joy, but you just have to look at the smile and you can immediately understand: sincerity here does not smell. So, a stretched smile is the main sign of black envy: lips are tense, the corners of the mouth are unnaturally stretched and there are no radial wrinkles around the eyes, and the pupils do not shine with happiness . In addition, a smile can resemble a smirk - in this case, the interlocutor believes that the lucky beggar did not deserve what he received.
  2. Eyes . The envious man seeks not to show his attitude towards you, screwing up his eyes. True, here is important one nuance: maybe your girlfriend does not envy you, if you screw up your eyes. It is not excluded that at the moment the sun shines in her face.
  3. Head . The curvature of thoughts manifests itself in a slanted head or even the whole body. Often this statement indicates a lack of confidence in what has been said. In order to accurately determine the black envy, it is important to look at the remaining signs of the body language.
  4. Arms. "You deserve the best" - and at the same time, the person's hands are willy-nilly covering their mouths or just are near it. Remember, back in childhood, when telling the parents a lie, we unconsciously covered their mouths with their hands? Over the years, this gesture is not so pronounced. Moreover, it is very difficult for older people to read language of the body. Returning to the theme of envy, it is important to mention also that to prop my chin with a clenched fist also indicates the presence of envy in words.

How to get rid of envy of people?

At the beginning of the article were mentioned factors, because of the presence of which the person is inclined to envy others, even the closest people. At a time when you realize that you envy a person, it is important to ask yourself: "Why do I envy? Do I want a life like hers? How can I achieve this? Maybe I need to be more purposeful? Can I stop whining and telling myself that I'm not worth anything and are not able to achieve anything? " Sooner or later, this self-analysis, but it will bear fruit.