Paths in the country with their own hands

Accurate and beautiful paths in the country are a sign of well-being and comfort of your site. The paths connect the holiday house with all the other areas of the suburban area - with a gazebo, a bath, a garden. In addition, the paths at the dacha perform an even more important decorative function, emphasizing the landscape design of the whole territory.

For many dacha and summer residents, the appearance of the tracks plays an important role. That's why the device of tracks in the country is so widely distributed by own hands. The construction of this important component of any garden is not easy. To implement any idea, you need to think through a lot of small things, because the track should not only look beautiful, but strong, durable and comfortable. On the secrets of building tracks in the country house with their own hands, we'll talk in this article.

How to make tracks in the country?

The first thing that is necessary for building roads in the country is an idea. In order to make the project interesting and functional, you should carefully think over the following points:

Building a path in the country is a creative process. Thanks to modern technologies, the newest high-strength materials and practically limitless possibilities in construction, any idea can be embodied in your summer residence. Let's consider in detail the main stages of construction.

  1. Creation of a marking line on the site. On the country site it is necessary to lay the "path" of the future path. If the track is straight, then with the help of a rope and several pegs you can quickly cope with the task. If the track will have a meandering shape, then in order to mark it up, you will need more material - the same pegs and ropes. The standard width of the track at the cottage is 80 cm, but many modern avenues have a large width. This must be taken into account when marking.
  2. Selection of material for the track in the country. The most simple variant is a loose material. Gravel, crushed stone or granite chips are durable and, at the same time, simple in construction. The main drawback of such materials is that they stick to the shoes and quickly spread throughout the site and the house. Another great material for the paths in the cottage is the tile. Tiles can be chosen of any color, it looks good and is durable. When choosing a tile for tracks in the country, samples should be chosen not less than 6 cm in thickness. A more complex material in the laying, but no less attractive, is brick. The construction of tracks on the cottage of brick requires special preparation and accurate calculations of the material. In addition to the materials listed above, concrete, asphalt and wood are widely used.
  3. Soil preparation. According to the markings, remove 25-30 cm of soil, before laying the path. At the bottom of the pit, you should lay a drainage filler, which will retain moisture. As a drain, you can use special materials or remnants of expanded clay, artificial stone and even glass.
  4. Laying the cover of the track. Laying of the external coating is made depending on the material selected. For example, concrete paths in the country house are poured over specially laid reinforcement. Before laying loose materials it is necessary to designate curbs on the path. If the material is used as spruce trees, then they need to be strengthened with fertile soil.

When choosing tiles for tracks in the country, as well as any other building materials, experts recommend buying only high-quality and well-known products. Since there is nothing worse than the rapidly losing appearance of the track, in the construction of which was invested a lot of energy.