Ceiling in the hallway

As the theater begins with a hanger, so does the house start with the hallway. Therefore, the decoration of this room should be given no less attention than the decoration of rooms or kitchen. In this case, let's pay attention to the finish of the ceiling in the hallway.

Types of finishes

First of all, it is worth mentioning the simplest options for finishing - whitewashing, painting, decorative plaster, wallpapering. As an economical option, you can consider finishing the ceiling in the hallway with panels made of polyvinyl chloride or polystyrene. The advantage of such panels in the simplicity of installation (the usual gluing of the surface, not even particularly smooth) and the variety of choice of plates for size, texture and color. The next option for finishing the ceiling is the installation of so-called independent hinged structures. Such structures include the ceiling in the hallway, made of plastic panels. Fastened plastic panels do not require additional processing in the form of plaster or painting. But plastic does not belong to environmentally friendly materials. The choice is yours.

Almost ideal option can be considered the arrangement of the ceiling in the hallway from gypsum board. In addition, with the help of gypsum boards you can create a variety of ceiling design. For example, a multi-level ceiling in a high, but narrow hallway, "eats" a bit of height. This will allow you to balance the disproportionate dimensions of the room and make it more comfortable. Another option is a two-level ceiling in a low hallway. Having equipped it, for example, with LED illumination around the perimeter, you thereby, on the contrary, visually lift the spaces.

The same effect of visual increase in space you will achieve and with the help of stretch glossy ceilings in the hallway. And do not be afraid to install bright stretch ceilings in the hallway, for example red. But in the hallways, on the contrary, with a very large area and height, it is possible to mount a stretch ceiling even in black. Another option for expanding the space and filling the dark room with additional light is the installation of a mirrored ceiling in the hallway. The effect is achieved due to the reflection of light from the luminaire (luminaires) in the mirror panels.

When decorating an apartment in the style of hi-tech or techno, the aluminum lath ceilings, which are easy to clean and install, will look spectacular in the hallway, they are not afraid of water leaks.

Game of color and light - the ceiling in a narrow hallway

It's no secret that many apartments have narrow hallways . To visually expand the space in these hallways, you can try experimenting with light and color. For example, in a narrow hallway with low ceilings, use wall lamps with upward light for illumination. This visually "lift" the ceiling. On the contrary, "lower" the disproportionately high ceiling and expand the walls in the hallway reception "dark ceiling (for example, brown) - light walls."