Ceiling in the bath with their own hands

Many owners of suburban areas have already managed to assess the presence of a small bath. Who buys a ready-made structure and collects it on the site. And there is a category of people who want not only to assemble, but also to design the whole structure. The device of a ceiling in a bath with own hands has some features. But in many ways it coincides with the decoration of the walls, because the whole box should keep the temperature the same.

How to make a ceiling in the bath with your own hands?

To make the ceiling on the bath with our own hands, we need mineral or stone wool, which will allow us to completely keep all the heat inside, and also avoid a fire due to the fact that the material does not support combustion. Also, for finishing the ceiling in the bath with our own hands, we will use a special foil film that reflects heat and does not allow it to dissipate.

  1. Before we make the ceiling in the bath, we will work it out on the outside with our own hands. The roof is covered with a roofing material. Nobody refuses to give preference to other modern materials.
  2. The second part of the ceiling device in the bath is the crateing and laying of the thermal insulation by oneself. First we fill the wooden slats, then we put a layer of thermal insulation between them.
  3. The third part of the installation of the ceiling in the bath with their own hands is laying the foil. We will decorate the entire room from ceiling to walls, trying not to miss anything. The foil will beat the heat inside and hold it.
  4. After the filling is fixed by hand, we make the final finish of the ceiling in the bath. In our case, these are wooden panels, by which we sew all the walls and ceiling
  5. The last part of the ceiling design in the bath with their own hands is the installation of lamps . We install them directly into the ceiling, we isolate all wiring. This completes the work on the cladding.