Photos of roses

Asters, carnations or gladioluses are magnificent creatures of nature, but there are plants that can be called emperors of the floral world. It is the images of roses, having a variety of shades, leading on clothing, postcards, posters and photo wallpaper. What is interesting - they are adored not only by women, but also by serious men. Usually these flowers are charming, inspiring a romantic and spring mood. But with the right approach, wall-papers roses in the interior are capable of causing sad emotions, reminiscent of a lost love or another loss. Therefore, there are many options for using them in the design of the room. If desired, you can easily create any mood in the room.

How to choose rose wallpaper?

These plants are universal in their way and they look charming, like fully opened flowers, and their small buds. Always it is necessary to select not some fashionable motives, but neutral subjects, capable not to bother even after years. You can enhance the effect of photo wallpapers by duplicating this image in textiles , setting a vase with our plants in the room, statuettes with floral motifs.

The picture can be, as the central element of an interior, and a quiet background. If you want to center the wallpaper in the bedroom or another room, you should take a bright red flower against a dark background that immediately catches your eye. If you want to expand the space, then use a photo with long plants taken in full size. Especially distinguished bouquets, photographed from above, or large buds of light shades with glistening droplets of purest dew on them.

Bedroom interior with rose wallpaper

Most often this option is used to decorate a woman's bedroom. If the room belongs to an unmarried girl, then buy a picture with flowers that have pink or cream petals. You have a calm and romantic atmosphere in the room. When you are dealing with a room decorated in gray or light color, then pick up the wallpaper of a red or scarlet shade, they will be able to bring bright fresh colors, diluting an unnecessarily quiet interior. Dark-burgundy or purple flower petals look non-standard, such images are suitable for people not ordinary.

Considering the design of the bedroom with photo wallpapers of roses, one must not forget that these interior decorations can be used in other rooms. In the dining room looks good pictures with yellow or white buds, creating a proper mood in the room for eating. The above methods are universal, and they can be used in the living room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom.