How to knock down a child's heat?

High temperature is one of the alarm signals that the child's organism gives in a variety of stressful situations, whether it is a virus infection or a banal overwork. So no wonder that the question of how quickly to knock down the heat in a child, and whether it should be knocked down at all, excites all moms without exceptions.

Of course, when talking about such a pressing child problem as high temperature, one should not limit oneself to general recommendations. Since all the kids are different, they have different immunity, different reaction to the increase. For example, some children with a temperature of 38.5 degrees continue to frolic and run, while others cry and are capricious, barely indicators have exceeded the 37 mark. Besides, one must take into account the child's age, time of day and the reason that triggered the activation of the body's defenses.

How to knock down a very high temperature in a one-year-old child?

Maternity is always associated with a lot of troubles and anxieties, with most of them falling in the first year of the baby's life. Thus, inexperienced moms in a panic buy up all possible antipyretic agents, even without suspecting that slightly fever in a baby up to a year is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon. It can rise to a mark of 37.4 as a result of the features of the immature thermoregulatory system, after eating or long crying. This temperature in any case can not be brought down by medications or other folk methods, it is just necessary to change the child into lighter clothes, to ventilate the room and wait a little.

The situation is quite different when the temperature rise is accompanied by other symptoms, for example, a runny nose, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea or skin rashes.

This should immediately be reported to the pediatrician, and before he comes to act on the circumstances. And in this case, knowing how to knock down heat to a one-year-old child is extremely necessary. So, the first thing you need to know: doctors do not recommend to lower the temperature below 38.5 degrees. This position is motivated by the fact that the body, thus, is fighting infection. But, again, it is necessary to act according to the circumstances, if the child does not feel well, he already had febrile convulsions or the temperature began to rise at night - it is better not to take risks, and give the child an antipyretic agent when the mark on the thermometer reaches 38 degrees. With vomiting and nausea, candles with paracetamol will be effective, with diarrhea a syrup. In the case when the child is all hot, including pens and legs - it needs to be undressed, placed in a crib and provided with an abundant drink. Many parents in the fight against the temperature practice wiping : for this, a cloth or a towel is soaked in water at room temperature (sometimes with a small amount of vinegar) and lightly rubbing the palms, feet, arms, legs, chest, belly of the back with light movements towards the heart.

If the child has a chill or so called temperature with spasm, you need to do everything necessary to keep the baby warm: cover with a warm blanket, dress warmly and give him something warm to drink. At the same time, you need to take a febrifuge.

As a rule, to knock down the temperature with a spasm above 39 in a small child is not so simple, so if you see that the measures taken are ineffective - call an ambulance immediately. In such situations, doctors make children a three-component injection consisting of analgin , dimedrol (or papaverine) and no-shpa. Dosage of each component is calculated by physicians individually for each baby.

How quickly to knock down the heat in a child older than a year?

Children of older age are more susceptible to various diseases, which only the parents have to adapt to the kindergarten. Like the one-year-old crumbs, at a high temperature preschool children are shown rectal suppositories with paracetamol and tasty syrups with ibuprofen, which act as an antipyretic and analgesic at the same time. In no case should children be given aspirin, since taking this medication can lead to negative consequences for the child's body. Basically, the measures taken to reduce the temperature of the infant and preschooler are no different.