Pregnancy and thyroid gland

Normal thyroid function is extremely important during pregnancy. Produced hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine are necessary for intrauterine development of the fetus. In particular, for the normal development of the brain, heart, blood vessels, musculoskeletal system and reproductive system.

Unfortunately, it often happens that a woman does not suspect of the existing thyroid diseases, and as a result, the pregnancy ends very badly. And the danger is presented as a reduced, and excessive function of the thyroid gland.

Thyroid hypothyroidism and pregnancy

Hypoteriosis is a decrease in thyroid function. Symptoms of the disease are weakness, constant fatigue and drowsiness, fragility of the nails, a rare pulse, hair loss, shortness of breath, chilliness, depression, decreased attention, dry skin, hoarseness. When carrying out a blood test, a woman has a decreased level of thyroid hormones.

Externally, a normally occurring pregnancy can result in the birth of a child with severe anomalies, a violation of the development of systems and organs, brain damage. Especially dangerous if hypothyroidism developed in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus was laid all the vital organs.

Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and pregnancy

The reverse phenomenon of gopoteriosis is hyperthyroidism or hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. It manifests itself in the sensation of heat, fatigue, nervousness, sharp weight loss, bad sleep, excessive anxiety and tearfulness of a woman, muscle weakness. In addition, the pregnant woman notices increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, trembling in her hands, increased shine in her eyes. Such a condition is no less dangerous for a pregnant woman and a child and requires urgent action. For example, removing part of the thyroid tissue.

Thyroid gland diseases and pregnancy

Not always an enlargement of the thyroid gland speaks of her illness. At a pregnant gland works with much greater intensity, because of what there can be an insignificant increase in a thyroid gland at pregnancy.

And yet you should be vigilant and make sure once again that you do not have health problems. The simplest way to diagnose pregnancy is ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

One of the frequent ailments associated with the thyroid gland is cancer. Unfortunately, this disease is also found among young women who passionately dream of having children. Pregnancy and thyroid cancer are indisputably not the best combination, but even so the woman has every chance of becoming a mother.

Pregnancy after removal of the thyroid gland should be carefully planned by your doctor and gynecologist. Of course, pregnancy without thyroid should be more intense. In order to preserve the health and life of a woman and her future child, it will take a lot of effort. But in the end, pregnancy even after thyroid cancer with a favorable outcome may well end in the birth of a healthy child.

Another disorder associated with the thyroid gland is a cyst or thyroid nodule that can appear during pregnancy. This phenomenon is not the reason for the termination of pregnancy. Treatment of cysts in pregnant women is not very different from the generally accepted methods. The only prohibition exists for scintigraphy with iodine isotopes and technetium.

Pregnancy and thyroid gland

Another number of problems associated with pregnancy is associated with such phenomena as hypoplasia and hyperplasia of the thyroid gland, as well as AIT. From the name of the disease it is clear that this is either an underdevelopment (congenital) of the thyroid gland with insufficient formation of hormones, or too large a thyroid gland.

Autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland that has an autoimmune character.