D-dimer in pregnancy is elevated

The woman in the position is very anxious about everything connected with her future baby. She tries to do everything the doctor advises, observe the correct regime of the day and nutrition, take the necessary tests and undergo the required examinations. Among them, a great deal of attention is paid to the analysis of blood, and to studying the indices of d-dimer in pregnancy in particular. This value makes it clear whether there is a risk of blood clots.

What does the D-dimer mean?

D-dimers are usually called particles of fibrin fibers, one of the components of the blood, the level of which may indicate the presence of thrombi. The mechanism of their appearance is as follows: soluble fibrin appears in the blood when the process of its coagulation takes place, which occurs with the direct participation of thrombins. When fibrin starts to dissolve, D-dimers appear, which can connect to the walls of the vessels, thus causing their blockage. The life cycle of this decay product lasts only 6 hours.

What are the indices of the dimer for pregnancy?

Carrying out a blood test for the presence of this component, doctors can understand whether a woman has a risk of having blood clots and how the thrombus is treated. Also, the values ​​of D-dimer are important for the study of the coagulogram.

The norm of d-dimer in pregnancy

During the period of gestation, the level of this indicator naturally increases. This phenomenon is due to the fact that in the body of a woman there are global changes that concern the processes of hemostasis and coagulability of blood. However, in medical practice there are no clearly predetermined norms of the D-dimer index during pregnancy. Thanks to medical practice, several conditional steps were taken to increase the data of this blood component, for example:

  1. In the first trimester of gestation, the indicator may increase by one and a half times.
  2. For the second trimester, its increase is twofold.
  3. At the latest terms, the increase in d-dimer during pregnancy can be threefold, if compared with the initial indicators.

What are the possible consequences of increased D-dimer in pregnancy?

In fact, positive deviations from such, even arbitrary, norms, can negatively affect the general course of bearing a child. A future mother will be strongly advised to make a comprehensive and thorough study, as there is a risk of occurrence or presence of gestosis , preeclampsia and kidney disease. All these diseases may well indicate tissue damage or internal hematomas. As a rule, increased D-dimer indices are characteristic for abnormally occurring gestation, as a result of which detachment of the placental organ or miscarriage may well occur.

What if I have d-dimer in pregnancy?

The most popular way to bring the indicator to the norm, typical for the existing period of gestation, is the taking of medications. Treatment takes place in a hospital environment, as medical control is simply necessary. As a rule, the drug course lasts no more than a week, during which a woman is prescribed injections, droppers and pills. Such a drug as Fraksiparin is administered topically, namely into the abdomen itself in the navel area. This allows the medicine to spread quickly through the body and begin its action. It is likely that the woman will be prescribed and droppers with Reopoglyukin, which are done long enough, but do not bring painful sensations. Also, to bring the level of D-dimer during pregnancy, injections of Actovegin are recommended.