What not to do at Easter - signs

Signs and beliefs are the wisdom and collective observations of many generations of our ancestors, therefore it is not worth while to treat them with indulgence and superficiality. Signs of what can not be done at Easter are not known to everyone, although this feast is worshiped even by those people who are not true church-churched Christians.

What can not be done at Easter and why?

Easter signs refer not only to the most festive day. They must be observed for at least three days, including Easter itself and two days after it. Traditionally, Christian church holidays are celebrated for 3-7 days. Therefore, examining in the survey what can not be done during Easter, it must be borne in mind that signs must be observed for three days.

Often you can hear from our grandmothers and representatives of the older generation that nothing can be done on Easter, but in most cases it refers to different kinds of homework - washing, sewing, knitting, cleaning, farming. Orthodox clergymen are advised to postpone any cases that are possible, for days after the end of the festive week.

If a person falls on working days for working days or there is an urgent need for some work, then this ban is removed. For example, with regard to nursing, elderly or young children, the church is loyal in this matter. The ban concerns work that is unnecessary on a holiday.

The second important prohibition regarding what can not be done on Easter is about visiting the cemetery. It is believed that on the Bright Sunday of Christ, the souls of all the dead meet with God, so they should not be disturbed on this day. For this purpose Orthodox Christians have a special day of commemoration of the dead - Radonitsa . Traditionally, this holiday falls on the 9th day after Easter. For convenience, in relation to the working week, visits to the graves of loved ones are postponed to the first Sunday after Easter.

The rest of the prohibitions concern the moral behavior of people in the festive Easter week:

  1. It is impossible to quarrel, swear, condemn, be angry, think about bad things, lie, mock people. A bright holiday should be met and conducted with a pure heart, showing kindness and mercy to others.
  2. It is undesirable to have sex on holidays and especially to commit adultery. Easter is the highest spiritual holiday and is not worth it, and carnal pleasures pollute the purity and loftiness of these days.
  3. You can not be sad and discouraged, no matter how difficult it may seem. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the hope for happiness and joy, the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection of light in the soul. Despair refers to mortal sins, therefore, even in a difficult life situation, one must rely on God and pray for salvation.
  4. After the holiday, there are many Easter dishes. In no case should they be thrown into the trash. Especially it concerns food consecrated in the temple. Even the shell of consecrated eggs is usually given to animals and birds.

To answer the question why nothing can be done at Easter is not difficult, both from the Orthodox and from the worldly point of view. It is believed that Jesus after death went into another world and first there announced the joy of his resurrection. Resurrected, he gave all penitent sinners forgiveness in the name of his Father. That is why bright joy can not be spoiled by hard work, carnal pleasures and sinful thoughts. Many even non-believers or adherents of other religions refuse work and sadness these days out of respect for Christ's torment and the sincere faith of millions of Christians.