Polyhydramnios in pregnant women

Polyhydramnios is a pathological condition in pregnant women, in which the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus inside the abdomen is higher than normal. So, for example, at ten weeks its volume is only 30 ml, and by 38 weeks it increases to 1.5 liters. If these indicators are exceeded for some reason, polyhydramnios are diagnosed.

What is dangerous polyhydramnios during pregnancy?

Do not treat this diagnosis lightly and say: "You'll think, there's more water." All very seriously. Polyhydramnios give rise to many other problems. The child can develop pathologies of the nervous system and digestive tract. Mothers suffer from ailments, strias appear on the abdomen (stretch marks), late gestosis is observed. A large amount of amniotic fluid can provoke premature birth or become an indication for a caesarean section (because often the fetus has a transverse or pelvic presentation), there may be a cord of the baby with an umbilical cord. With polyhydramnios complications occur during labor. For example, the pen or leg of a baby may drop out, or the hypoxia of the fetus may develop altogether due to premature detachment of the placenta.

Sometimes in pregnant women diagnosed with moderate polyhydramnios. In this case, you have enough time to correct the situation. But do not stay idle, because even a small excess of water can cause a weak labor activity, premature birth or, on the contrary, retention.

Symptoms of polyhydramnios during pregnancy

You should be alerted if there are the following symptoms:

Causes of polyhydramnios in pregnancy

Polyhydramnios at the end of pregnancy are almost normal, but chronic polyhydramnios presents us with its unpleasant surprises and indicates that something is wrong in the body. It can be diabetes, or the consequences of a cold during pregnancy. The causes of the appearance of polyhydramnios during pregnancy are not fully understood. But with a high probability of an excessive amount of water is formed in the Rh-conflict, malfunctions in the excretory system of the fetus or the depression of the swallowing reflex. You are at risk if you have kidney problems, a cardiovascular system, or you have suffered an infectious disease. Increases the likelihood of polyhydramnios in multiple pregnancy and a large body weight in a child.

Treatment of polyhydramnios during pregnancy

If suspected of polyhydramnios, an additional ultrasound is prescribed, a blood test is taken and cardiotocography is performed. If the diagnosis is confirmed by you, most likely, they will send you to a hospital, prescribe diuretics, vitamins, as well as funds that increase microcirculation and metabolic processes. If the cause lies in an infectious disease, prescribers will prescribe drugs that will stop him.

In the absence of threatening conditions, mothers and fetuses try to keep pregnancy, but when a real danger occurs, a cesarean section is produced.

If you have been diagnosed with polyhydramnios, do not panic. The most important thing is to keep the situation under control. In time to take tests and conduct surveys. And remember, the excitement and emotions will be much worse for your baby's health.