Acne during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is a powerful restructuring of the woman's body, which gradually adapts to the needs of the child and adapts to the increasing burden. At the same time, the blood hormones level and, in general, the hormonal background fluctuate considerably. It is with his changes that the changing mood of pregnant women, their conflicting desires, changes in appearance and psychological restructuring are associated.

Most often, if there are pimples during pregnancy, it is associated with significant fluctuations in the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood - with peaks and drops. During high concentrations of this hormone, in addition to the basic functions to ensure a normal course of pregnancy, progesterone significantly increases the production of sebum, which leads to clogging of the pores and the appearance of acne, acne and pigment spots.

Acne on the forehead during pregnancy often appears in women who had no previous skin problems. It can be like tiny black dots like comedones, as well as gnawing pustules. Pustules appear with improper skin care, when an infected infection gets into the blocked pores.

Causes of acne during pregnancy

If the face is covered with pimples during pregnancy, this is not a reason to panic and even more to try to press them. The best thing you can do in this situation is to reconsider your diet and skin care tactics. In your diet with acne and rash, you should minimize the sweet, flour and fried foods. Consume more fresh vegetables, fruits, green tea and olive oil. It is also advised to limit seasonings and spices and consume large amounts of water - it will purify the body of all unwanted substances.

Acne on the back during pregnancy indicates the attachment of acne and often deliver a lot of discomfort to pregnant women - they are painful, rise above the surface of the skin and difficult to treat. In fighting them an indispensable tool is tar soap - it dries problem areas and reduces inflammation.

Acne on the body during pregnancy can appear with a violation of personal hygiene, after profuse sweating or in places of natural folds of the body, where the greatest chance of infection of clogged pores. To avoid further spread of the rash and reduce the existing rashes - use antibacterial soap with a moisturizing effect, the benefit of their options on the market set. The same recommendations are relevant and if there were acne on the abdomen during pregnancy.

Pimples on the breast during pregnancy require more attention, since they can indicate abnormalities in breast function and carry the risk of infection in the prenatal and postpartum periods (hematogenous mastitis). When there are pimples on the neck during pregnancy, the best way to fight them is to sting the hair in hot weather and prevent intense sweating in the cold.

Acne in pregnant women - treatment

As for the proper skin care, during pregnancy should be preferred soft means - without perfumes, alcohol and salicylic acid . The latter, according to the observations of doctors, often provokes pregnancy fading and miscarriages. Wipe your face with olive oil, infusion of chamomile and dog rose - this will reduce the inflammation of the skin and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. Also a good cosmetic effect has clay, especially it treats pimples on the chin during pregnancy, and also tones up the skin.

In any case, the treatment of acne in pregnant women is the task of a gynecologist-endocrinologist, dermatologist and therapist. Sometimes acne can be caused by tick-borne parasites, which requires treatment by a specialist. If the rashes are abundant, painful, with purulent contents - it is better to consult with a specialist and develop the right tactics. Do not self-medicate - common remedies such as Zinerit, Cremegon, Skinoren and their analogs are forbidden during pregnancy and can harm future babies.