Style and silhouette in clothes

We are all used to using words like "style" and "silhouette" in everyday speech, but we often do not even think what they really mean. Style is a community of different artistic expressive means, which is expressed in the form and content of objects of everyday life, architecture and art. Clothing is the direct bearer of style, and expresses it thanks to the silhouette, fabric texture and color. Silhouette in clothes - this is its outlines. The word itself comes from the French language and means the external outlines of an object, or its "shadow". There are various types of silhouettes in clothes.

Geometric figures - the basis of silhouettes

Each new decade brings its own adjustments to fashion trends and opens new horizons of style. The most universal and simple is a straight silhouette in clothes. It can be recommended for almost all figures and ages, it does not emphasize the figure, and therefore they can hide its flaws, such as the lack of aspen waist. Very popular is a fitted and semi-adjoining silhouette in clothes. Such options are possible for those who have something to emphasize and thus attract attention. The fitted version perfectly distinguishes the figure and makes the chest and buttocks more prominent, so with this silhouette you also need to be careful, if these places need not be highlighted too. But the semi-adjacent is more sparing to the shortcomings of the figure, he only slightly emphasizes its shape.

Bold decision

The silhouette of a trapeze in clothes does not suit everyone, but, nevertheless, it keeps at the peak of popularity for more than a decade. In this silhouette, there is an expansion from the armhole or shoulder line. This option looks great on tall and thin girls, as it visually fills and thus aligns the contrast between too high growth and lean figure.