Pain in the intestines - causes

Discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the abdomen are just symptoms of some diseases. Therefore, before proceeding to treatment, it is important to find out why there are pains in the intestine - the causes of this phenomenon are very diverse and are not always associated with digestive disorders. The primary diagnosis can be made, paying attention to the duration, intensity and nature of the pain syndrome, associated dyspeptic disorders.

Causes of nausea and pain in the intestines after eating

The described signs, as a rule, testify to the irritable bowel syndrome. It refers to psychogenic diseases, exacerbated by a background of stress, emotional overload, a violation of diet.

Other causes of the considered condition:

It should be noted that short-term and mild discomfort, which occurs rarely, can signal less dangerous problems, for example, overeating, excess of fats and proteins in the diet.

Causes of night pain in the intestine

If the pathology worsens during sleep or at rest, the likely cause of the pain syndrome is one of the following:

In addition, the appearance of abdominal pain late in the evening or at night, accompanied by disorders of stool, alternating diarrhea and constipation, nausea, may be a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to visit a gastroenterologist.

Causes of severe pain in the intestine

Intensive and even intolerable pain syndrome is characteristic of inflammation of the appendix. Discomfortable sensations, as a rule, are localized in the right lower abdomen, however, they can have a shingling character.

There are other causes of severe pain in the small and large intestines, the rest of his departments: