Ways of abortion

Abortion is getting rid of pregnancy before the 22-week line.

Ways of abortion

Methods of abortion can be divided into 4 groups:

Traditional methods of abortion

Only a very brave or very short-sighted woman will go to such an experiment on her body. Folk methods are often not effective and are simply dangerous for health. Even a known hot bath with mustard powder is not always effective. It causes severe bleeding, which can not be stopped at home. Often such an experiment has a lethal outcome.

Another "artisanal" way is to take a decoction of tansy. From it the fetus decomposes in the womb of the mother and causes an intoxication of the body.

There are also more or less safe home methods of abortion:

Other herbs of herbs are possible, but nowadays, when abortion is officially permitted, it is foolish to risk your health and life.

Abortion by a medicamentous method

Usually, doctors prescribe Mephipriston. This drug reduces the supply of the uterus progesterone to a minimum, which leads to the termination of pregnancy. This method is effective only on the lines up to 8 weeks and does not require surgical intervention or anesthesia. 1-2 days after taking the drug, a woman begins to bleed and rejects the fetal egg .

Only in 2% of cases, interruption of pregnancy by medication is not effective.

It is very important to remember that an independent termination of pregnancy can result in a disability or have a lethal outcome. Therefore, your health should be trusted only by experienced professionals.